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Support rekeying current Connection service
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glguy committed Dec 1, 2015
1 parent 4377711 commit 34f19ae
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Showing 5 changed files with 183 additions and 151 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Network/SSH/Connection.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Network.SSH.Connection where
import Network.SSH.Messages
import Network.SSH.State
import Network.SSH.TerminalModes
import Network.SSH.Rekey

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,6 +72,11 @@ connectionService :: Connection ()
connectionService =
do msg <- connectionReceive
case msg of
SshMsgKexInit i_c ->
do (client,state) <- Connection ask
liftIO (rekeyKeyExchange client state i_c)

SshMsgChannelOpen SshChannelTypeSession
senderChannel initialWindowSize maximumPacketSize ->
do startSession senderChannel initialWindowSize maximumPacketSize
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156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions src/Network/SSH/Rekey.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Network.SSH.Rekey where

import Network.SSH.Named
import Network.SSH.Mac
import Network.SSH.Ciphers
import Network.SSH.Compression
import Network.SSH.Messages
import Network.SSH.Keys
import Network.SSH.PubKey
import Network.SSH.State
import Network.SSH.Packet

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.List (find)
import Data.IORef (readIORef, modifyIORef')
import Control.Concurrent

import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

initialKeyExchange :: Client -> SshState -> IO ()
initialKeyExchange client state =
do i_s <- supportedKex (map nameOf (sshAuthMethods state)) `fmap` newCookie
send client state (SshMsgKexInit i_s)
SshMsgKexInit i_c <- receive client state
rekeyConnection client state i_s i_c

rekeyKeyExchange :: Client -> SshState -> SshProposal -> IO ()
rekeyKeyExchange client state i_c =
do i_s <- supportedKex (map nameOf (sshAuthMethods state)) `fmap` newCookie
send client state (SshMsgKexInit i_s)
rekeyConnection client state i_s i_c

rekeyConnection :: Client -> SshState -> SshProposal -> SshProposal -> IO ()
rekeyConnection client state i_s i_c =
do (v_s, v_c) <- readIORef (sshIdents state)
let sAuth = sshAuthMethods state

suite <- maybe (fail "negotiation failed") return
$ computeSuite sAuth i_s i_c

SshMsgKexDhInit pub_c <- receive client state
(pub_s, k) <- kexRun (suite_kex suite) pub_c

let sid = SshSessionId
$ kexHash (suite_kex suite)
$ sshDhHash v_c v_s i_c i_s (suite_host_pub suite) pub_c pub_s k
modifyIORef' (sshSessionId state) (<|> Just sid)

sig <- sign (suite_host_priv suite) sid
send client state (SshMsgKexDhReply (suite_host_pub suite) pub_s sig)

installSecurity client state suite sid k

installSecurity ::
Client -> SshState -> CipherSuite ->
SshSessionId ->
S.ByteString {- ^ shared secret -} ->
IO ()
installSecurity client state suite sid k =
do Just osid <- readIORef (sshSessionId state)
let keys = genKeys (kexHash (suite_kex suite)) k sid osid

send client state SshMsgNewKeys
transitionKeysOutgoing suite keys state

SshMsgNewKeys <- receive client state
transitionKeysIncoming suite keys state

transitionKeysOutgoing :: CipherSuite -> Keys -> SshState -> IO ()
transitionKeysOutgoing CipherSuite{..} Keys{..} SshState{..} =
do compress <- makeCompress suite_s2c_comp
modifyMVar_ sshSendState $ \(seqNum,_,_,_,drg) ->
return ( seqNum
, suite_s2c_cipher k_s2c_cipherKeys
, suite_s2c_mac k_s2c_integKey
, compress
, drg

transitionKeysIncoming :: CipherSuite -> Keys -> SshState -> IO ()
transitionKeysIncoming CipherSuite{..} Keys{..} SshState{..} =
do decompress <- makeDecompress suite_c2s_comp
modifyIORef' sshRecvState $ \(seqNum, _, _, _) ->
( seqNum
, suite_c2s_cipher k_c2s_cipherKeys
, suite_c2s_mac k_c2s_integKey
, decompress

data CipherSuite = CipherSuite
{ suite_kex :: Kex
, suite_c2s_cipher, suite_s2c_cipher :: CipherKeys -> Cipher
, suite_c2s_mac , suite_s2c_mac :: L.ByteString -> Mac
, suite_c2s_comp , suite_s2c_comp :: Compression
, suite_host_priv :: PrivateKey
, suite_host_pub :: SshPubCert

-- | Compute a cipher suite given two proposals. The first algorithm
-- requested by the client that the server also supports is selected.
computeSuite :: [ServerCredential] -> SshProposal -> SshProposal -> Maybe CipherSuite
computeSuite auths server client =
do let det = determineAlg server client

suite_kex <- lookupNamed allKex =<< det sshKexAlgs

c2s_cipher_name <- det (sshClientToServer.sshEncAlgs)
suite_c2s_cipher <- lookupNamed allCipher c2s_cipher_name

s2c_cipher_name <- det (sshServerToClient.sshEncAlgs)
suite_s2c_cipher <- lookupNamed allCipher s2c_cipher_name

suite_c2s_mac <- if c2s_cipher_name `elem` aeadModes
then Just (namedThing mac_none)
else lookupNamed allMac =<< det (sshClientToServer.sshMacAlgs)

suite_s2c_mac <- if s2c_cipher_name `elem` aeadModes
then Just (namedThing mac_none)
else lookupNamed allMac =<< det (sshServerToClient.sshMacAlgs)

(suite_host_pub, suite_host_priv) <- lookupNamed auths =<< det sshServerHostKeyAlgs

s2c_comp_name <- det (sshServerToClient.sshCompAlgs)
suite_s2c_comp <- lookupNamed allCompression s2c_comp_name

c2s_comp_name <- det (sshClientToServer.sshCompAlgs)
suite_c2s_comp <- lookupNamed allCompression c2s_comp_name

return CipherSuite{..}

-- | Select first client choice acceptable to the server
determineAlg ::
SshProposal {- ^ server -} ->
SshProposal {- ^ client -} ->
(SshProposal -> [ShortByteString]) {- ^ selector -} ->
Maybe ShortByteString
determineAlg server client f = find (`elem` f server) (f client)

supportedKex :: [ShortByteString] -> SshCookie -> SshProposal
supportedKex hostKeyAlgs cookie =
{ sshKexAlgs = (map nameOf allKex)
, sshServerHostKeyAlgs = hostKeyAlgs
, sshEncAlgs = SshAlgs (map nameOf allCipher) (map nameOf allCipher)
, sshMacAlgs = SshAlgs (map nameOf allMac) (map nameOf allMac)
, sshCompAlgs = SshAlgs (map nameOf allCompression) (map nameOf allCompression)
, sshLanguages = SshAlgs [] []
, sshFirstKexFollows = False
, sshProposalCookie = cookie

156 changes: 9 additions & 147 deletions src/Network/SSH/Server.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,31 +13,22 @@ module Network.SSH.Server (

) where

import Network.SSH.Ciphers
import Network.SSH.Connection
import Network.SSH.Compression
import Network.SSH.Keys
import Network.SSH.Mac
import Network.SSH.Messages
import Network.SSH.Named
import Network.SSH.Packet
import Network.SSH.PubKey
import Network.SSH.Rekey
import Network.SSH.State

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad (forever)
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.IORef ( modifyIORef )
import Data.IORef (writeIORef, readIORef)

-- Public API ------------------------------------------------------------------

type ServerCredential = Named (SshPubCert, PrivateKey)

data Server = Server
{ sAccept :: IO Client
, sAuthenticationAlgs :: [ServerCredential]
Expand All @@ -49,14 +40,15 @@ sshServer sock = forever $
do client <- sAccept sock

forkIO $
do state <- initialState
do state <- initialState (sAuthenticationAlgs sock)
let v_s = sIdent sock
v_c <- sayHello state client v_s
sessionId <- keyExchangePhase client state v_s v_c (sAuthenticationAlgs sock)
writeIORef (sshIdents state) (v_s,v_c)
initialKeyExchange client state

-- Connection established!

result <- handleAuthentication state client sessionId
result <- handleAuthentication state client
case result of
Nothing -> send client state
(SshMsgDisconnect SshDiscNoMoreAuthMethodsAvailable
Expand All @@ -68,101 +60,6 @@ sshServer sock = forever $

`X.finally` cClose client

keyExchangePhase ::
Client ->
SshState ->
SshIdent {- ^ server -} ->
SshIdent {- ^ client -} ->
[ServerCredential] ->
IO SshSessionId {- ^ session id for client authentication -}
keyExchangePhase client state v_s v_c sAuth =
do (i_s, i_c) <- startKex state client (map nameOf sAuth)
suite <- maybe (fail "negotiation failed") return
$ computeSuite sAuth i_s i_c

SshMsgKexDhInit pub_c <- receive client state
(pub_s, k) <- kexRun (suite_kex suite) pub_c

let sid = SshSessionId
$ kexHash (suite_kex suite)
$ sshDhHash v_c v_s i_c i_s (suite_host_pub suite) pub_c pub_s k

sig <- sign (suite_host_priv suite) sid
send client state (SshMsgKexDhReply (suite_host_pub suite) pub_s sig)

installSecurity client state suite sid k
return sid

data CipherSuite = CipherSuite
{ suite_kex :: Kex
, suite_c2s_cipher, suite_s2c_cipher :: CipherKeys -> Cipher
, suite_c2s_mac , suite_s2c_mac :: L.ByteString -> Mac
, suite_c2s_comp , suite_s2c_comp :: Compression
, suite_host_priv :: PrivateKey
, suite_host_pub :: SshPubCert

-- | Compute a cipher suite given two proposals. The first algorithm
-- requested by the client that the server also supports is selected.
computeSuite :: [ServerCredential] -> SshProposal -> SshProposal -> Maybe CipherSuite
computeSuite auths server client =
do let det = determineAlg server client

suite_kex <- lookupNamed allKex =<< det sshKexAlgs

c2s_cipher_name <- det (sshClientToServer.sshEncAlgs)
suite_c2s_cipher <- lookupNamed allCipher c2s_cipher_name

s2c_cipher_name <- det (sshServerToClient.sshEncAlgs)
suite_s2c_cipher <- lookupNamed allCipher s2c_cipher_name

suite_c2s_mac <- if c2s_cipher_name `elem` aeadModes
then Just (namedThing mac_none)
else lookupNamed allMac =<< det (sshClientToServer.sshMacAlgs)

suite_s2c_mac <- if s2c_cipher_name `elem` aeadModes
then Just (namedThing mac_none)
else lookupNamed allMac =<< det (sshServerToClient.sshMacAlgs)

(suite_host_pub, suite_host_priv) <- lookupNamed auths =<< det sshServerHostKeyAlgs

s2c_comp_name <- det (sshServerToClient.sshCompAlgs)
suite_s2c_comp <- lookupNamed allCompression s2c_comp_name

c2s_comp_name <- det (sshClientToServer.sshCompAlgs)
suite_c2s_comp <- lookupNamed allCompression c2s_comp_name

return CipherSuite{..}

-- | Select first client choice acceptable to the server
determineAlg ::
SshProposal {- ^ server -} ->
SshProposal {- ^ client -} ->
(SshProposal -> [ShortByteString]) {- ^ selector -} ->
Maybe ShortByteString
determineAlg server client f = find (`elem` f server) (f client)

-- | Install new keys (and algorithms) into the SshState.
transitionKeysOutgoing :: CipherSuite -> Keys -> SshState -> IO ()
transitionKeysOutgoing CipherSuite{..} Keys{..} SshState{..} =
do compress <- makeCompress suite_s2c_comp
modifyMVar_ sshSendState $ \(seqNum,_,_,_,drg) ->
return ( seqNum
, suite_s2c_cipher k_s2c_cipherKeys
, suite_s2c_mac k_s2c_integKey
, compress
, drg

transitionKeysIncoming :: CipherSuite -> Keys -> SshState -> IO ()
transitionKeysIncoming CipherSuite{..} Keys{..} SshState{..} =
do decompress <- makeDecompress suite_c2s_comp
modifyIORef sshRecvState $ \(seqNum, _, _, _) ->
( seqNum
, suite_c2s_cipher k_c2s_cipherKeys
, suite_c2s_mac k_c2s_integKey
, decompress

-- | Exchange identification information
sayHello :: SshState -> Client -> SshIdent -> IO SshIdent
Expand All @@ -171,49 +68,14 @@ sayHello state client v_s =
-- parseFrom used because ident doesn't use the normal framing
parseFrom client (sshBuf state) getSshIdent

supportedKex :: [ShortByteString] -> SshCookie -> SshProposal
supportedKex hostKeyAlgs cookie =
{ sshKexAlgs = (map nameOf allKex)
, sshServerHostKeyAlgs = hostKeyAlgs
, sshEncAlgs = SshAlgs (map nameOf allCipher) (map nameOf allCipher)
, sshMacAlgs = SshAlgs (map nameOf allMac) (map nameOf allMac)
, sshCompAlgs = SshAlgs (map nameOf allCompression) (map nameOf allCompression)
, sshLanguages = SshAlgs [] []
, sshFirstKexFollows = False
, sshProposalCookie = cookie

startKex ::
SshState -> Client -> [ShortByteString] ->
IO (SshProposal, SshProposal)
startKex state client hostKeyAlgs =
do let i_s = supportedKex hostKeyAlgs (sshCookie state)
send client state (SshMsgKexInit i_s)
SshMsgKexInit i_c <- receive client state
return (i_s, i_c)

installSecurity ::
Client -> SshState -> CipherSuite ->
SshSessionId ->
S.ByteString {- ^ shared secret -} ->
IO ()
installSecurity client state suite sid k =
do let keys = genKeys (kexHash (suite_kex suite)) k sid

send client state SshMsgNewKeys
transitionKeysOutgoing suite keys state

SshMsgNewKeys <- receive client state
transitionKeysIncoming suite keys state

handleAuthentication ::
SshState -> Client -> SshSessionId -> IO (Maybe (S.ByteString, SshService))
handleAuthentication state client session_id =
SshState -> Client -> IO (Maybe (S.ByteString, SshService))
handleAuthentication state client =
do let notAvailable = send client state
$ SshMsgDisconnect SshDiscServiceNotAvailable "" ""

Just session_id <- readIORef (sshSessionId state)
req <- receive client state
case req of

Expand Down

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