A long time dream of getting a working compass on a webpage.
Never tried it before, but I just wanted to make my own version because of the cumbersom checks.
Bearing ("absolut alpha
" | webkitCompassHeading
) is pushed to an observable. This observable needs to be tied into the reactive system.
If permissions are needed (iOS), make a call to instance.requestPermissions
<Show when={state().status == Status.Pending}>
<Show when={state().status == Status.Unsupported}>
<p>Not supported!</p>
<Show when={state().status == Status.Ready}>
<Show when={state().permission == PermissionStatus.Default}>
<button onclick={() => bearing.requestPermission()}>Request permission</button>
<Show when={state().premission == PermissionStatus.Denied}>
<p>Permission denied</p>
<button onclick={() => bearing.requestPermission()}>Request permission again</button>
<Show when={state().permission == PermissionStatus.Granted}>
<Show when={!isNaN(state().bearing)}>
<p>{Math.round(state().bearing)} degrees</p>
<Show when={isNaN(state().bearing)}>
<p>Move the device</p>
- Must be
Check in Firefox
Check in iOS (+ Safari?)