IBM Watson Text-to-Speech Python Script This repository contains a Python script which demonstrates how to use IBM Watson's Text-to-Speech API.
The script allows a user to select a voice from the available options, enter a custom text/prompt, and have it converted to an audio file (.wav) using IBM's TTS API.
Users are also given the option to specify the name of the output audio file. If no name is specified, the file will be saved as output.wav by default. If a file with the same name already exists in the directory, the program will automatically add a numerical suffix to the new file to prevent overwriting. For example, if output.wav and output(2).wav already exist, the new file will be saved as output(3).wav.
The script continues to run until the user decides to exit by entering -1.
Requirements To run this script, you need:
Python 3.6 or later IBM Watson's Text-to-Speech API key and URL requests and playsound libraries for Python How to Run Clone the repository to your local machine. Open terminal/command prompt and navigate to the directory where the script is located. Run the script using python Follow the prompts in the terminal to use the text-to-speech function. This script is a simple demonstration of the powerful capabilities of IBM's Watson Text-to-Speech API and can be extended or modified to suit more specific needs.
Note Make sure to replace the api_key and url variables with your actual API key and URL obtained from IBM Cloud.
To play the .wav files from the terminal, you can use the appropriate command for your operating system (for example, aplay filename.wav on Linux, afplay filename.wav on MacOS, start filename.wav on Windows).
Regenerate response from ibm_watson import TextToSpeechV1 from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
authenticator = IAMAuthenticator('API_KEY') text_to_speech = TextToSpeechV1(authenticator=authenticator)
voices = text_to_speech.list_voices().get_result() voice_names = [voice['name'] for voice in voices['voices']]
print("Available voices:") for index, voice_name in enumerate(voice_names): print(f"{index + 1}. {voice_name}")
voice_choice = int(input("Choose a voice by typing its number: ")) - 1 voice = voice_names[voice_choice]
text = input("Enter the text to convert to speech: ")
response = text_to_speech.synthesize( text=text, voice=voice, accept='audio/wav' ).get_result()
with open('output.wav', 'wb') as audio_file: audio_file.write(response.content)
print("The speech has been saved to 'output.wav'.")
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