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Installation of GNOWSYS studio

clemsos edited this page Aug 14, 2012 · 9 revisions

This is the installation guide for GNOWSYS studio.

Operating System

The current version GNOWSYS studio runs on GNU/Linux operating system(s).It has been tested on the following operating systems.

  • Debian
  • Ubuntu (10.04 or greater)
  • Trisquel
  • gNewSense


Internet connection !

If it is not already obvious ( ignore this line, if you please and assume my stupidity ! ) Note: A high speed internet connection with reliable connectivity and free download is recommended

Synaptic package manager

It is recommended to install Synaptic package manager ( if not already installed ).To do this go to Ubuntu software manager and install Synaptic package manager. Synaptic makes installation of dependcies very easy.


It is recommended to use Python 2.7


This is the VCS used for the project You can install it via synaptic package manager or by the following apt command:

sudo apt-get install git

Python Pip

Pip is an alternate installer for python and is needed for isntallation of studio and it’s dependencies.The following steps (using synaptic package manager ) shows how to install pip.

  • Start Synaptic package manager.It is system->Synaptic package manager ( in case of Gnome interface ) or simply type ‘Synaptic’ in the unity menu to get its icon, then click on the icon
  • Enter your password
  • Search for “python pip”
  • Right click and click on “mark for installation”
  • Click on “Apply”
  • The manager will install python pip and its dependencies

Alternatively you can also use the following apt command on terminal to install

sudo apt-get install python-pip python-setuptools

Python virtualenv

Although the studio can be installed natively in the machine, it is recommended that installation be done in a do this please install or upgrade your virtualenv.To do this use the following command ( after installing python-pip)

sudo pip install virtualenv

In case if it says ‘requirement already satisfied’, upgrade your virtualenv

sudo pip install virtualenv --upgrade


This is needed for the imaging system of the studio.To install this start synarptic package manager and search ‘build-essential’.After that install it ( steps are same as in Python-pip).You can also use the following command ( in the terminal)

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Python dev library

This is again needed for the imaging system of the studio.To install this, yon cal either go to synaptic and search for “python-all-dev” and install it or use the following command:

sudo apt-get install python-all-dev

Installation of the studio

Download the latest code

Get the latest code from the Github repository.The command to do this is:

git clone

This will create a directory named “gnowsys-studio” in your system and get the latest code there

Create virtualenv

Assuming that you have installed the latest version ( or upgraded the one with you ).You can now create a virtualenv for the studio.The following terminal command creates the virtualenv

virtualenv --no-site-packages gnowsys-studio/

For more on virtualenv,please refer to the followin link:

Start the virtualenv

Go inside the GNOWSYS studio directory (using terminal)

cd gnowsys-studio/

Now start the virtualenv.The following command

source bin/activate

You shall see the shell prompt has (gnowsys-studio) in the start.This indicates that you have started the virtualenv sucesslly.

Installing Django in the virtualenv

Before we can install, we must install Django needed to run the studio in the virtualenv.DO NOT INSTALL DJANGO USING APT OR BY SYNAPTIC ! The repo i believe is not correct and worse it does not upgrade ! If you have, then remove it completely.Install Django using python-pip,its the best way.The terminal command to do this is (after starting virtualenv is:

pip install django

Running the setup

Assuming that you are still inside the project directory and have successfully installed Django.Now to isntall the studio, run the follwing setup command:

python install

Creating database

After the setup has been done, next thing to do is to create the database.To do this go inside the ‘demo’ directory

cd demo/

Thereafter create the database by the following command

python syncdb

This will create tables and also the first ‘superuser’ of the system.Do fill in login credentials carefully !

Test run the studio

Start the server

After the installation has completed successfully, you can test-run the studio once.To do this,start the development server.The command to do this is:

python runserver

This command is will run the server on localhost, with default port.To read more on the Django runserver command please refer to the following link: <a href=” “> On starting the server, you will get the follwing message on the ternimal

Validating models...

0 errors found
Django version 1.4, using settings 'demo.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

The main interface

Browse to the link, which is shown when you start the server.You will be redirected to the homepage: file:loginscreen.png