Very simple library for binary printer/parser (encoding/decoding). That is, this library allows you to write/read, by offset, individual bit sequences.
Example simple printer:
struct Sample {
// offset: 0, bis_size: 6
field1: u64,
// offset: 6, bis_size: 32
field2: u64,
// offset: 38, bis_size: 4
field3: u64,
// offset: 42, bis_size: 64
field4: u64,
// offset: 108, bis_size: 6
field5: u64,
struct SamplePrinterError {
field_name: String,
value: u64,
max_value: u64,
impl fmt::Display for SamplePrinterError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
"Error: field '{}' has value {}, which exceeds the maximum value {}.",
self.field_name, self.value, self.max_value
impl Error for SamplePrinterError {}
impl TryInto<[u8; 14]> for Sample {
type Error = Vec<&'static str>;
fn try_into(self) -> Result<[u8; 14], Self::Error> {
CONVERT values to bytes for passing to the
verification function
let b_field1 = self.field1.to_be_bytes();
let b_field2 = self.field2.to_be_bytes();
let b_field3 = self.field3.to_be_bytes();
let b_field4 = self.field4.to_be_bytes();
let b_field5 = self.field5.to_be_bytes();
CHECK that stored values do not go beyond the storage
(there are enough bits for encoding)
let mut errors = vec![];
if !is_in_range(6, &b_field1, b_field1.len()) {
field_name: "field1".to_string(),
value: field1,
max_value: bits_to_max_hold(6) as u64,
if !is_in_range(32, &b_field2, b_field2.len()) {
field_name: "field2".to_string(),
value: field2,
max_value: bits_to_max_hold(32) as u64,
if !is_in_range(4, &b_field3, b_field3.len()) {
field_name: "field3".to_string(),
value: field3,
max_value: bits_to_max_hold(4) as u64,
if !is_in_range(64, &b_field4, b_field4.len()) {
field_name: "field4".to_string(),
value: field4,
max_value: bits_to_max_hold(64) as u64,
if !is_in_range(6, &b_field5, b_field5.len()) {
field_name: "field5".to_string(),
value: field5,
max_value: bits_to_max_hold(6) as u64,
if !errors.is_empty() {
return Err(errors);
WRITE to a byte array
let mut target = [0u8; 14];
let mut offset = 0;
bit_write(&mut target, offset, 6, &b_field1, b_field1.len());
offset += 6;
bit_write(&mut target, offset, 32, &b_field2, b_field2.len());
offset += 32;
bit_write(&mut target, offset, 4, &b_field3, b_field3.len());
offset += 4;
bit_write(&mut target, offset, 64, &b_field4, b_field4.len());
offset += 64;
bit_write(&mut target, offset, 6, &b_field5, b_field5.len());
Example simple parser:
struct Sample {
// offset: 0, bis_size: 6
field1: u64,
// offset: 6, bis_size: 32
field2: u64,
// offset: 38, bis_size: 4
field3: u64,
// offset: 42, bis_size: 64
field4: u64,
// offset: 108, bis_size: 6
field5: u64,
impl TryFrom<[u8; 14]> for Sample {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(bytes: [u8; 14]) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let mut offset = 0;
let mut field1 = [0u8; 8];
let b_field1_len = field1.len();
let mut field2 = [0u8; 8];
let b_field2_len = field2.len();
let mut field3 = [0u8; 8];
let b_field3_len = field3.len();
let mut field4 = [0u8; 8];
let b_field4_len = field4.len();
let mut field5 = [0u8; 8];
let b_field5_len = field5.len();
bit_read(&bytes, offset, 6, &mut field1, field1_len);
offset += 6;
bit_read(&bytes, offset, 32, &mut field2, b_field2_len);
offset += 32;
bit_read(&bytes, offset, 4, &mut field3, b_field3_len);
offset += 4;
bit_read(&bytes, offset, 64, &mut field4, b_field4_len);
offset += 64;
bit_read(&bytes, offset, 6, &mut field5, b_field5_len);
Ok(Sample {
field1: u64::from_be_bytes(field1),
field2: u64::from_be_bytes(field2),
field3: u64::from_be_bytes(field3),
field4: u64::from_be_bytes(field4),
field5: u64::from_be_bytes(field5),
Interesting membitcpy
function. This function uses offset for the source as well. In essence, this function can be view as bidirectional lens, since only with it can both a parser and a printer be implemented:
// lets parse something
let mut target = [0u8; 2];
let source = u64::from_be_bytes([
0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b10011111, 0b11100000, 0b00000000,
0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000,
let b_source = source.to_be_bytes();
let source_bit_offset = 16;
&mut target,
assert_eq!(target, [0b00001001, 0b11111110]);
// now lets print what we parse
let mut new_target = [0u8; 8];
&mut new_target,
// here we can see that our new target equivalent
// our primary source
assert_eq!(new_target, b_source);
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