Document for flashloan bot
1.Install Node.js and Unzip file 2.Open folder and open CMD in this folder. 3.Set environment variable for smart contract compile and deploy.
- open hardhat.config.js file, edit it as under image.
4.Smart contract compile and deploy - For compile, in CMD, please run this instruction “npx hardhat compile” - For deploy, in CMD, Run this instrunction “npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network mainnet”
- important: When smart contract deployed successfully, you will see deployed contract address on CMD(Save this address)
5.Setting environment variable for bot running. - Open .env file Edit under image![Screenshot 2024-07-19 112905]
- After change .env, Edit bot.js file(FLASHLOAN_CONTRACT, FLASHLOAN_ABI)
* Already you saved deployed contract address.
* For FLASHLOAN_ABI, please open artifacts/contracts/TwoExchangeFlashloanArbitrage.sol/TwoExchangeFlashloanArbitrage.json
In here, you will see “abi”:[], please copy array and past for your smart contract ABI.
6.Run flashloan bot Open CMD agai, run this instruction “node bot.js”
GREAT! You will see bot running now.