Basic setup used for legacy Good Eggs tests, which are not fully using Jest as they should be.
This library exports an expect
function, which is an instance of chai,
with a standard set of configured plugins:
import {expect} from 'goodeggs-test-helpers';
describe('...', () => {
it('...', () => {
This library exports a few SinonJS mock helpers. Generally speaking, in a codebase that isn't
using Jest mocks, you should be using these and not the sinon
package directly.
Call this in a describe
block to create a SinonJS sandbox (which is restored automatically after
each test). It returns this sandbox.
import {expect, useSinonSandbox} from 'goodeggs-test-helpers';
describe('...', () => {
const {sandbox} = useSinonSandbox();
it('...', () => {
const barStub = sandbox.stub(foo, 'bar');
/* ... */
This function also returns a helper function stubLogger
, which allows you to mock a logger
object within this sandbox. Regardless of how many recursive .child()
logger are created with
this mock, the returned method mocks (info
, warn
, etc.) will work across all children.
import {expect, useSinonSandbox} from 'goodeggs-test-helpers';
import logger from '...';
describe('...', () => {
const {stubLogger} = useSinonSandbox();
it('...', () => {
const {error} = stubLogger(logger);
/* ... */
For convenience, and to avoid conflicting version of sinon
in your codebase, this library
exports most of sinon's TypeScript types:
import {
} from 'goodeggs-test-helpers';
It also exports a convenient utility type, which solves a common boilerplate problem:
import {MethodStub} from 'goodeggs-test-helpers';
describe('...', () => {
let fooBarStub: MethodStub<typeof>;
beforeEach(() => {
fooBarStub = sandbox.stub(foo, 'bar');
Please follow our Code of Conduct when contributing to this project.
yarn install
yarn test
To release a new version of this module, use yarn to bump the version
in package.json
and create a git tag, then push. This will automatically
get published to the NPM registry via CI.
yarn version --new-version=<major|minor|patch|premajor|preminor|prepatch>
git push --follow-tags