This repo will help you how to install hadoop on docker container
-> Git
-> Docker
By Following these steps you will able to setup the hadoop setup on docker container
Step 1: Clone the "docker-hadoop" repository from GitHub using the following command:
git clone
Step 2: cd Hadoop-on-Docker
Step 3: docker-compose up -d
Step 4: docker container ls
Step 5: docker exec -it namenode /bin/bash
Step 1: Copy the code folder on docker conatiner by running this command on the terminal (opened in the folder where you have cloned the repo):
docker cp code namenode:/
Step 2: Then go into Hadoop_Code directory and further into input directory from where you have to copy the data.txt file
Step 3: Create some directories in hadoop file system by following command:
-> hdfs dfs -mkdir /user
-> hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/root
-> hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/root/input
Step 4: Copy the data.txt to the input directory (user/root/input) created in hadoop file system by following command:
-> hdfs dfs -put data.txt /user/root/input
Step 5: Return back to directory where wordCount.jar file is located:
-> cd ../
Step 6: Then execute the jar file by following command:
-> hadoop jar wordCount.jar org.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount input output
Step 7: Display the output usind this command:
-> hdfs dfs -cat /user/root/output/*