GreenMail 1.5.8
#247 UIDVALIDITYnz-number
is defined as a non-zero 32bit unsigned integer, not 64bit
#246 Fixed command continuation request not getting recognised
#245 Concurrency issues when creating/deleting users
#243 Retriever using SMTPS TLS
#242 Retriever accepts null server causing NPE later -
#189 Support SMTP AUTH command with PLAIN mechanism
#253 Update greenmail-standalone docker base image from openjdk:7u151-jre-alpine to latest openjdk:7u181-jdk-alpine3.8
#251 Append Message is so slow (append got optimized and should be faster now)
#248 Dependency updates (commons-io, slf4j, ...)
#233 Search implementation of SentDateTerm/ReceivedDateTerm
For further details, check the issues fixed.
Download also available in Maven Central with GAV coordinates com.icegreen:greenmail:1.5.8 .