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Akashdeep Dhar edited this page Dec 20, 2024 · 4 revisions

For development

  1. Enable and start the Redis service unit for the worker service of SyncStar to exchange tasks during the service runtime.

    $ sudo systemctl enable redis.service
    $ sudo systemctl start redis.service
  2. In a separate terminal session, execute the following command to start the endpoint service in an activated virtual environment.

    $ source venv/bin/activate
    (venv) $ syncstar --images $SYNCSTAR_ISOSYAML --source redis://localhost:6379/0 --repair false apim --help 
    Usage: syncstar apim [OPTIONS]
      Start the frontend service
      -f, --feed TEXT           Add the feed to read relevant recent information from.
      -p, --port INTEGER RANGE  Set the port value for the service frontend endpoints.  [default: 8080; 64<=x<=65535]
      -u, --username TEXT       Set the username for service authentication.  [default: root]
      -w, --password TEXT       Set the password for service authentication.  [default: root]
      --help                    Show this message and exit.
    (venv) $ syncstar --images $SYNCSTAR_ISOSYAML --source redis://localhost:6379/0 --repair false apim --feed $SYNCSTAR_FEED_FEDORA_ONE --feed $SYNCSTAR_FEED_FEDORA_TWO --port 8080 --username $SYNCSTAR_USERNAME --password $SYNCSTAR_PASSWORD
    • This will start the endpoint service on port 8080 available across all network interfaces of the host device.
    • The feed entries will be fetched from the sources $SYNCSTAR_FEED_FEDORA_ONE and $SYNCSTAR_FEED_FEDORA_TWO.
    • The provided username $SYNCSTAR_USERNAME and password $SYNCSTAR_PASSWORD will be utilized for authentication.
    • The debug mode for the endpoint service will be disabled and the logging level will be set to INFO by default.
    • The task scheduling and reporting will be performed on the Redis instance deployed on redis://localhost:6379/0.
    • The images archive configuration file $SYNCSTAR_ISOSYAML will be used as a source for the live images archive.
  3. In a separate terminal session, execute the following command to start the worker service in an activated virtual environment

    # source venv/bin/activate
    (venv) # syncstar --images $SYNCSTAR_ISOSYAML --source redis://localhost:6379/0 --repair false cell --help 
    Usage: syncstar cell [OPTIONS]
      Start the worker service
      -p, --proc INTEGER RANGE  Set the number of concurrent worker tasks allowed.  [default: 8; 4<=x<=20]
      -c, --poll INTEGER RANGE  Set the number of completion checks for termination.  [default: 8; 4<=x<=12]
      --help                    Show this message and exit.
    (venv) # syncstar --images $SYNCSTAR_ISOSYAML --source redis://localhost:6379/0 --repair false cell --proc 8 --poll 4
    • This will start the worker service that would allow up to 8 concurrent tasks running at any point in time.
    • The debug mode for the worker service will be disabled and the processes will perform 4 checks for long tasks.
    • The task scheduling and reporting will be performed on the Redis instance deployed on redis://localhost:6379/0.
    • The images archive configuration file $SYNCSTAR_ISOSYAML will be used as a source for the live images archive.
  4. Visit the homepage of the endpoint service using the browser of your choice to get started with using SyncStar.


For consumption

  1. Ensure that the Redis service unit is active and check the status of the service.

    $ sudo systemctl start redis.service
    $ sudo systemctl status redis.service
  2. Ensure that the ss-endpoint.service unit file is properly configured before starting the service.

    $ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ss-endpoint.service
    $ sudo systemctl enable --now ss-endpoint.service
  3. Ensure that the ss-worker.service unit file is properly configured before starting the service.

    $ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ss-worker.service
    $ sudo systemctl enable --now ss-worker.service
  4. Visit the homepage of the endpoint service using the browser of your choice to get started with using SyncStar.

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