MatchIt Fast is the demonstration application with Vertex Matching Engine.
MatchIt Fast demonstrates the blazingly fast similarity search among several million images/articles using the Vertex Matching Engine.
You need to have a Google Cloud Platform project with enabled billing account.
To create Indexes and deploy them to the Index Endpoints, see the documentation.
MatchIt Fast app requires the two indexes of images and articles deployed to index endpoints.
The example command lines to create Matching Engine indexes for the MatchIt Fast demonstration are shown below.
gcloud --project=MY-PROJECT-ID ai indexes create \
--display-name=gdelt-gsg \
--description="GDELT GSG Demo" \
--metadata-file=metadata/gdelt_gsg_index_metadata.json \
gcloud --project=MY-PROJECT-ID ai indexes create \
--display-name=wikimedia-images \
--description="Wikimedia Image Demo" \
--metadata-file=metadata/wikimedia_images_index_metadata.json \
To retrieve document embedding using the Universal Sentence Encoder, you need to deploy the container on the GCE instance.
The container image could be build with Cloud Build. The configuration for Cloud Built trigger is utilities/containers/gsg-encoder/cloudbuild.yaml.
The GCE instance with container is handfull way to deploy container.
gcloud --project=MY-PROJECT-ID compute instances create-with-container INSTANCE-NAME \
--zone=us-central1-a --machine-type=e2-medium \
--image-family=cos-dev --image-project=cos-cloud --boot-disk-size=50GB \
Running on the Google App Engine.
Change the following setting values in app.yaml.
environment variable | description |
The deployed index ID for image search |
The IP address of deployed index for image search |
The deployed index ID for news search |
The IP address of deployed index for news search |
'http://{IP-ADDR}' IP-ADDR should be replaced with the internal IP address of the GCE instance you created. |
Perform the following gcloud command to deploy App Engine application in your GCP project.
gcloud --project YOUR-PROJECT-ID app deploy
After you deployed to App Engine, you can run the following command to launch your browser and view the app at https://[YOUR-PROJECT-ID]
gcloud app browse