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GuiHome edited this page Apr 21, 2016 · 7 revisions


This repository contains material for a basic Talker / Listener tutorial for OROCOS (2.x) similarly to ROS WritingPublisherSubscriber. There is even a communication between ROS and OROCOS Talkers / Listeners in the last part of this tutorial.

What you will learn

  • Creating Components
  • Using ports and properties
  • Deploying components and periodicity changing
  • Connecting to ROS

Quick OROCOS Intro

What is OROCOS ?

A C++ framework for component-based robot control

  • Features that we use
    • Multi-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac)
    • Extension to robotics framework : ROS / Rock / Yarp
    • Run-time and realtime configurable
    • Integrated state-machine (FSM or rFSM)
  • Part of the tools that we use
    • RTT : RealTime Toolkit : realtime environment running components
    • OCL : Orocos Component Library : setting up applications

Developing with OROCOS

  • Component
    • All components run in a single process in single computer mode
    • Multi-process mode uses interprocess dataflow (MQueue)
    • 1 component = 1 thread allocated for the execution engine
    • Local and remote (seen by peers) ports
  • Scripting
    • OPS (Orocos Program Script): RT functional prog. calls method/sends command
    • OSD (Orocos State-machine Description)
    • Lua
  • Deployment
    • Components are imported, loaded, configured, connected, started
    • Services loaded and installed, Peers added
    • Unloading only if not running
    • Protection on bad connecting request (input to input)

OROCOS scheme


Components inherit TaskContext

  • Task State (Init / Stopped / PreOperational / Running)
  • Task Code
    • configureHook
    • startHook
    • updateHook
    • stopHook
    • cleanupHook
  • Activity : periodic or even-based
  • Properties
  • Ports / Event Ports : Basic types (int, float, string) or TypeKit based

more details

Services and Operations

  • Services
    • Provide functionality to a component
    • Can be added afterwards to the component at configuration time
    • Composed of one or more Operations
  • Operations
    • Define the function
    • Can run in Caller (client) or in Target (Own) thread
    • Called (blocking) similar to rosservice or Sent (non-blocking) similar but simpler than actionlib

more details

Deployment (with LUA)

Lua scripting language is used

  • The Deployer is the top level component
  • Only the Deployer can deploy other components
  • All its components are its peers
  • A component can also have peers
  • Common commands
    • require : loads services
    • import : import components (like including a class) and typekits (like including a type)
    • loadComponent : instantiate a component
    • setActivity : set the periodicity of a component
    • getPeer : access a component instance
    • provides : access loaded services

more info

Cheat Sheet



A Talker/Listener scheme will help discover different aspects

  • Creating Components
  • Using ports and properties
  • Deploying components and periodicity changing
  • Connecting to ROS


We suppose you have the orocos_toolchain installed as well as rtt_ros_integration metapackage

Environment setup

Create a workspace

If you already did the ROS tutorials WritingPublisherSubscriber , skip this part as we use the same workspace

To simplify, we copy paste the commands from there

source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/
catkin build

Create 2 orocos packages

Similarly to ROS CreatingPackage, there is a way to create orocos packages for catkin

 orocreate-catkin-pkg <package> [type]

The only difference is that we cannot set the dependencies but can define which type of OROCOS object we want. Can be components, services, typekits, etc...

We need 2 components, a talker and a listener

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
orocreate-catkin-pkg rtt_talker component
orocreate-catkin-pkg rtt_listener component

Code your components

Writing a publisher

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rtt_talker/src

edit rtt_talker-component.cpp

  • At the top add includes permitting to declare ports
#include <rtt/Port.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
  • In the class add a port declaration and some internal storage places
protected :
  RTT::OutputPort <std_msgs::String> output_port;
  int init_count;
private :
  int count;
  std_msgs::String msg;
  std::stringstream sstream;

edit rtt_talker-component.hpp

  • In the Constructor() instantiate a property and a port
init_count = 0;
this->addProperty("init_count", init_count);
ports()->addPort("Out", output_port);
  • In the configureHook() initialize the counter
count = init_count;
  • Add the publishing to the updateHook()
// DONT INITIALIZE MEM at RUNTIME std_msgs::String msg ;
// DONT INITIALIZE MEM at RUNTIME std::stringstream sstream ;
std::cout << "Rtt_talker talking !" << std::endl;
sstream << "hello world" << count; = sstream.str();

Writing a publisher

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rtt_listener/src

edit rtt_listener-component.cpp

  • At the top add includes permitting to declare ports
#include <rtt/Port.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
  • In the class add a port declaration and some internal storage places
  RTT::InputPort <std_msgs::String> input_port;
private :
  std_msgs::String msg;

edit rtt_listener-component.hpp

  • Instantiate a port in the Constructor()
ports()->addPort("In", input_port);
  • Read and print the incoming message in the updateHook()
// DONT INITIALIZE MEM at RUNTIME std_msgs::String msg;
std::cout << "Rtt_listener listening !" << std::endl;
if ( == RTT::NewData)
  std::cout << "I heard : [" << << "]" << std::endl;

Writing a Deployer

Edit deploy.lua at the root/src of your workspace

  • Access the deployer and import all the required components
require "rttlib"
require "rttros"
tc = rtt.getTC()
d = tc:getPeer("Deployer")
-- ROS integration
  • Instantiate a Listener, set its activity to be 0 (non-periodic), and configure it
lstname ="LST"
d:loadComponent(lstname, "Rtt_listener")
d:setActivity(lstname, 0.0, 10, rtt.globals.ORO_SCHED_RT)
lst = d:getPeer(lstname)
  • Instantiate a Talker, set its activity to 10 Hz
tlkname = "TLK"
d:loadComponent(tlkname, "Rtt_talker")
d:setActivity(tlkname, 0.1 , 10, rtt.globals.ORO_SCHED_RT)
tlk = d:getPeer(tlkname)
--myprop = tlk:getProperty("init_count")
  • Connect the components together (and prepare connection to ROS for next steps), and start them
-- connection
d:connect("TLK.Out", "LST.In", rtt.Variable("ConnPolicy"))
-- connect to ros
--local ros = rtt.provides("ros")
--d:stream("TLK.Out", ros:topic("/chatter"))
--d:stream("LST.In", ros:topic("/chatter")))

Deploy OROCOS only

catkin build
(in another terminal) source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
(in another terminal) source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
rttlua -i deploy.lua

What do you notice ? Hover this text to find out

Deploy OROCOS only (Polling)

Change the periodicity of the listener to make it poll every second on the input

d:setActivity(lstname, 1, 10, rtt.globals.ORO_SCHED_RT)

Is it working ? What happens ? Hover this text to find out

Deploy OROCOS only (Event-based)

Change the periodicity of the listener back to 0

d:setActivity(lstname, 1, 0, rtt.globals.ORO_SCHED_RT)

Make the Port Event-based in the listener

ports()->addEventPort("In", input_port);

Recompile and Redeploy

catkin build
rttlua -i deploy.lua

Is it working ? Hover this text to find out

Change properties

Comment out


Did you notice the change ?

Hover this text to find out

Deploy OROCOS chatting + ROS listening

Comment out ROS Out stream connection and the typekit


Start the ROS listener first then Lua deployer

rosrun beginner_tutorials listener
rttlua -i deploy.lua

What do you notice ? Hover this text to find out

Deploy OROCOS listening + ROS chatting

Comment ROS Out stream connection and talker and comment out ROS In stream connection, also stop the OROCOS talker


Start the Lua deployer first then ROS talker

rttlua -i deploy.lua
rosrun beginner_tutorials talker

What do you notice ? Hover this text to find out