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This repository contains material for a basic Talker / Listener tutorial for OROCOS (2.x) similarly to ROS WritingPublisherSubscriber. There is even a communication between ROS and OROCOS Talkers / Listeners in the last part of this tutorial.
- Creating Components
- Using ports and properties
- Deploying components and periodicity changing
- Connecting to ROS
A C++ framework for component-based robot control
- Features that we use
- Multi-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac)
- Extension to robotics framework : ROS / Rock / Yarp
- Run-time and realtime configurable
- Integrated state-machine (FSM or rFSM)
- Part of the tools that we use
- RTT : RealTime Toolkit : realtime environment running components
- OCL : Orocos Component Library : setting up applications
- Component
- All components run in a single process in single computer mode
- Multi-process mode uses interprocess dataflow (MQueue)
- 1 component = 1 thread allocated for the execution engine
- Local and remote (seen by peers) ports
- Scripting
- OPS (Orocos Program Script): RT functional prog. calls method/sends command
- OSD (Orocos State-machine Description)
- Lua
- Deployment
- Components are imported, loaded, configured, connected, started
- Services loaded and installed, Peers added
- Unloading only if not running
- Protection on bad connecting request (input to input)
- Task State (Init / Stopped / PreOperational / Running)
- Task Code
- configureHook
- startHook
- updateHook
- stopHook
- cleanupHook
- Activity : periodic or even-based
- Properties
- Ports / Event Ports : Basic types (int, float, string) or TypeKit based
more details http://www.orocos.org/stable/documentation/rtt/v2.x/doc-xml/orocos-components-manual.html
- Services
- Provide functionality to a component
- Can be added afterwards to the component at configuration time
- Composed of one or more Operations
- Operations
- Define the function
- Can run in Caller (client) or in Target (Own) thread
- Called (blocking) similar to rosservice or Sent (non-blocking) similar but simpler than actionlib
more details http://www.orocos.org/stable/documentation/rtt/v2.x/doc-xml/orocos-components-manual.html
Lua scripting language is used
- The Deployer is the top level component
- Only the Deployer can deploy other components
- All its components are its peers
- A component can also have peers
- Common commands
- require : loads services
- import : import components (like including a class) and typekits (like including a type)
- loadComponent : instantiate a component
- setActivity : set the periodicity of a component
- getPeer : access a component instance
- provides : access loaded services
more info http://www.orocos.org/wiki/orocos/toolchain/luacookbook
A Talker/Listener scheme will help discover different aspects
- Creating Components
- Using ports and properties
- Deploying components and periodicity changing
- Connecting to ROS
We suppose you have the orocos_toolchain installed as well as rtt_ros_integration metapackage
If you already did the ROS tutorials WritingPublisherSubscriber http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/WritingServiceClient%28c%2B%2B%29 , skip this part as we use the same workspace
To simplify, we copy paste the commands from there
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/
catkin build
Similarly to ROS CreatingPackage, there is a way to create orocos packages for catkin
orocreate-catkin-pkg <package> [type]
The only difference is that we cannot set the dependencies but can define which type of OROCOS object we want. Can be components, services, typekits, etc...
We need 2 components, a talker and a listener
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
orocreate-catkin-pkg rtt_talker component
orocreate-catkin-pkg rtt_listener component
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rtt_talker/src
- At the top add includes permitting to declare ports
#include <rtt/Port.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
- In the class add a port declaration and some internal storage places
protected :
RTT::OutputPort <std_msgs::String> output_port;
int init_count;
private :
int count;
std_msgs::String msg;
std::stringstream sstream;
- In the Constructor() instantiate a property and a port
init_count = 0;
this->addProperty("init_count", init_count);
ports()->addPort("Out", output_port);
- In the configureHook() initialize the counter
count = init_count;
- Add the publishing to the updateHook()
// DONT INITIALIZE MEM at RUNTIME std_msgs::String msg ;
// DONT INITIALIZE MEM at RUNTIME std::stringstream sstream ;
std::cout << "Rtt_talker talking !" << std::endl;
sstream << "hello world" << count;
msg.data = sstream.str();
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rtt_listener/src
- At the top add includes permitting to declare ports
#include <rtt/Port.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
- In the class add a port declaration and some internal storage places
RTT::InputPort <std_msgs::String> input_port;
private :
std_msgs::String msg;
- Instantiate a port in the Constructor()
ports()->addPort("In", input_port);
- Read and print the incoming message in the updateHook()
// DONT INITIALIZE MEM at RUNTIME std_msgs::String msg;
std::cout << "Rtt_listener listening !" << std::endl;
if (input_port.read(msg) == RTT::NewData)
std::cout << "I heard : [" << msg.data << "]" << std::endl;
- Access the deployer and import all the required components
require "rttlib"
require "rttros"
tc = rtt.getTC()
d = tc:getPeer("Deployer")
-- ROS integration
- Instantiate a Listener, set its activity to be 0 (non-periodic), and configure it
lstname ="LST"
d:loadComponent(lstname, "Rtt_listener")
d:setActivity(lstname, 0.0, 10, rtt.globals.ORO_SCHED_RT)
lst = d:getPeer(lstname)
- Instantiate a Talker, set its activity to 10 Hz
tlkname = "TLK"
d:loadComponent(tlkname, "Rtt_talker")
d:setActivity(tlkname, 0.1 , 10, rtt.globals.ORO_SCHED_RT)
tlk = d:getPeer(tlkname)
--myprop = tlk:getProperty("init_count")
- Connect the components together (and prepare connection to ROS for next steps), and start them
-- connection
d:connect("TLK.Out", "LST.In", rtt.Variable("ConnPolicy"))
-- connect to ros
--local ros = rtt.provides("ros")
--d:stream("TLK.Out", ros:topic("/chatter"))
--d:stream("LST.In", ros:topic("/chatter")))
catkin build
(in another terminal) source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
(in another terminal) source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
rttlua -i deploy.lua
What do you notice ? Hover this text to find out
Change the periodicity of the listener to make it poll every second on the input
d:setActivity(lstname, 1, 10, rtt.globals.ORO_SCHED_RT)
Is it working ? What happens ? Hover this text to find out
Change the periodicity of the listener back to 0
d:setActivity(lstname, 1, 0, rtt.globals.ORO_SCHED_RT)
Make the Port Event-based in the listener
ports()->addEventPort("In", input_port);
Recompile and Redeploy
catkin build
rttlua -i deploy.lua
Is it working ? Hover this text to find out
Comment out
Did you notice the change ?
Comment out ROS Out stream connection and the typekit
Start the ROS listener first then Lua deployer
rosrun beginner_tutorials listener
rttlua -i deploy.lua
What do you notice ? Hover this text to find out
Comment ROS Out stream connection and talker and comment out ROS In stream connection, also stop the OROCOS talker
Start the Lua deployer first then ROS talker
rttlua -i deploy.lua
rosrun beginner_tutorials talker
What do you notice ? Hover this text to find out