This repo is an implementation of GM/T 0005-2021, a randomness testing standard in China.
The Chinese version's document is available here.
We can use it to test a random number generator (RNG): if most random numbers generated by the RNG pass the test suite, we can consider this RNG reliable.
This work includes 15 test units. We will compute the p_value for each sample in each test unit, if the given value is equal or greater than 0.01, we may consider this sample passes the test unit. Total, the number of samples is 1000, and there should be more than 981 samples passing the test if the RNG is reliable. In addition, we also compute the q_value for each test unit, in which the significant value should be 0.0001.
The GM/T document defines the recommended length for the sample bits and the corresponding parameters. Available sizes: 2 * 10^4, 10^6 and 10^8.
Test unit | ||
Monobit Test | Frequency Test within a block | Runs Test |
Test for the longest Run of Ones in a block | Binary Matrix Rank Test | Discrete Fourier Transform Test |
Maurer's "Universal Statistical" Test | Linear Complexity Test | Serial Test |
Approximate Entropy Test | Cumulative Test | Poker Test |
Runs Distribution Test | Binary Derivative Test | Autocorrelation Test |
Both the NIST standard and the GM/T standard require very similar test units. However, Poker test, Runs distribution test, Binary derivative test, and Autocorrelation test are only available in GM/T standard, while Excursion Test, Random Excursion Variant Test,Non-overlapping Template Matching Test, and Overlapping Template Matching Test are only available in NIST standards.
The GM/T standard also requires the q_value and the sample size.
Also, there are some different parameters in the discrete Fourier transform test and the test for the longest run of ones in a block. Please check comments in source codes for details.
Python >= 3.9.0
pip install -r requirements.txt
We need to generate tested random numbers and write them into a binary file before we run the script. Example here:
import os
with open("data_20000","wb") as f:
for i in range(1000):
Users can use your own RNG.
import numpy
# import our libs
from gmt_random_test.gmt_randomness_test import GmtRandomnessTest
from gmt_random_test.test import Result
if __name__ == "__main__":
# create the test instance with the sample size
gmt_test: GmtRandomnessTest = GmtRandomnessTest(20000)
# also you can choose other sizes
# gmt_test: GmtRandomnessTest = GmtRandomnessTest(1000000)
# gmt_test: GmtRandomnessTest = GmtRandomnessTest(100000000)
# read binary sequences
bits: numpy.ndarray = None
with open("data/data_20000","rb") as f:
bits = numpy.unpackbits(numpy.frombuffer(, dtype=numpy.uint8))
# run all tests
# run tests by name
gmt_test.run_by_name_with_bits(bits, "serial_3")
gmt_test.run_by_name_with_bits(bits, "serial_5")
# file as input
Please check the test file.
GMT randomness test (samples size: 1000)
Types of test: Passes: Distribution:
Monobit 992 0.19376653751100414
Frequency Within Block (m=1000) 993 0.6287904561747886
Poker (m=4) 992 0.9774801795691433
Poker (m=8) 983 0.010988016145239969
Runs) 989 0.5810821521175091
RunsDistribution) 989 0.6204652616810549
Binary Derivative (d=3) 994 0.8628831961771974
Binary Derivative (d=7) 989 0.35864134122843766
Autocorrelation (k=2) 987 0.5523828823144027
Autocorrelation (k=8) 990 0.5081718433121454
Autocorrelation (k=16) 991 0.004085375625386839
Approximate Entropy (m=2) 990 0.7791877161648364
Approximate Entropy (m=5) 996 0.5261047121948592
Discrete Fourier Transform 991 0.12961959133276194
Serial (m=3) 985 0.8891175958894987, 0.33768835649023937
Serial (m=5) 984 0.03756608354257083, 0.6371194071693984
Longest Runs In A Block 983 0.18555523463043544, 0.9929519746920032
Cumulative Sums 991 0.8237245548918524, 0.4559371952206618