This React-based application provides a streamlined interface for managing call history, leveraging data fetched from an API. Key features include: Date-based filtering: Easily select and view call records within a specific date range using the integrated date picker. Call type filtering: Filter calls by type, displaying only incoming, outgoing, or all calls. Audio playback: Play audio recordings of calls directly within the app, if available. Sorting options: Sort call history by date and duration for more efficient navigation and review. The app is deployed on Vercel for easy access and showcases a responsive, user-friendly design with real-time data interaction.
- Use
node 21.x
or higher. - Clone this repo:
$ git clone
. - Go to downloaded folder:
$ cd app
. - Install dependencies:
$ npm install
. - Start server:
$ npm run dev
. - Now you can see web application to the address:
Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
npm run dev
- React
- Typescript
- Vite
- Components - components of application.
- Utils - helper utilities, functions, and classes that can be used in different parts of your application.
- Pages - components that represent individual pages.
Требуется взять из фигмы проект и разработать функционал по заданию на React. Данные можно взять с бека по API отсюда Тестовый токен — testtoken. Функционал, которую необходимо разработать:
- отображение списка звонков с выборкой по датам (date picker);
- фильтрация звонков по типу: входящие, исходящие или все звонки;
- проигрывание записи (если есть);
- сортировка по дате и продолжительности через API.
Готовое ТЗ залить на GitHub и развернуть проект на Vercel или аналог.