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moqsien edited this page Jan 21, 2024 · 3 revisions

This command will help you to manage your flutter versions and build your dev-environment to write flutter with VSCode. And you do not need to install Android Studio. It also helps you to build your Android Virtual Device(AVD).

moqsien@moqsiendeiMac gvc % g f -h
Flutter related CLIs.

   flutter [command]

  flutter, f

Available Commands:
  aliyun-repo        Use aliyun repo for a flutter project.
  android-sdkmanager Installs android cmdline tools(sdkmanager).
  env                Sets envs for flutter.
  local              Shows installed versions.
  remote             Shows available versions from remote website.
  remove             Removes a specified version.
  remove-unused      Removes installed versions except the one currently in use.
  start-avd          Start an avd.
  tools-avd          Install build-tools, platform-tools, etc. And create avd for android.
  use                Downloads and switches to the specified version.

  -h, --help   help for flutter

Use " flutter [command] --help" for more information about a command.


  • Subcommands "android-sdkmanager" and "tools-avd", will help you to build you flutter-android dev-environment with VSCode.
  • Subcommand "aliyun-repo" will change you jdk remote repo to Aliyun for your flutter project.
moqsien@moqsiendeiMac gvc % g f r
   Choose download resource:

  2 items

  ✔ 1. from
    >  2. from

  ↑/k up • ↓/j down • / filter • q quit • ? more
1.20.0  1.20.1  1.20.2  1.20.3  1.20.4  1.22.0  1.22.1  1.22.2  1.22.3  1.22.4  2.0.0  2.0.1  2.0.2  2.0.3  2.0.4  2.0.5  2.0.6  2.2.0  2.2.1  2.2.2  2.2.3  2.5.0  2.5.1  2.5.2  2.5.3  2.8.0  2.8.1  2.10.0  2.10.1  2.10.2  2.10.3  2.10.4  2.10.5  3.0.0  3.0.1  3.0.2  3.0.3  3.0.4  3.0.5  3.3.0  3.3.1  3.3.2  3.3.3  3.3.4  3.3.5  3.3.6  3.3.7  3.3.8  3.3.9  3.3.10  3.7.0  3.7.1  3.7.2  3.7.3  3.7.4  3.7.5  3.7.6  3.7.7  3.7.8  3.7.9  3.7.10  3.7.11  3.7.12  3.10.0  3.10.1  3.10.2  3.10.3  3.10.4  3.10.5  3.10.6  3.13.0  3.13.1  3.13.2  3.13.3  3.13.4  3.13.5  3.13.6  3.13.7  3.13.8  3.13.9  3.16.0  3.16.1  3.16.2  3.16.3  3.16.4  3.16.5  3.16.6  3.16.7  3.16.8


For jdk and gradle installation, please see command java.

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