######################################################################################### This program generates correlation analysis result between both different channel data, drawing correlation matrix & scattered plots
Copyright@John J. Oh 20 Sep. 2016 <[email protected], [email protected]>
- Requirement:
- python 2.7 >=
- numpy
- scipy
- minepy
- matplotlib
- pylal
- glue
- and other dependencies
Code Contents
- CAGConfig.ini # Configuration setting
- CAGMonLK.py # Main CAGMon Code -- computing correlation values and plotting
- CAGMkSh.py # Generating shell script for multi-jobs (serial)
- CAGWebBuild.py # Generating result HTML pages
- CAGWebUtils.py # Utils for generating HTML pages
- mkcache.py # Extracting Data from iKAGRA data path
- Channel Files: K1_KAGRA.DQ.Channel.IMC.PSL, K1_KAGRA.DQ.Channel.LSC, K1_KAGRA.DQ.Channel.PEM, K1_KAGRA.DQ.Channel.VIS # Auxiliary Channel File List
Download: https://github.com/gw-analysis/CAGMon.git or ssh://[email protected]/gw-analysis/CAGMon.git
- $ git clone ssh://[email protected]/gw-analysis/CAGMon.git
- $ cd CAGMon
- Environment Setting for PyLAL and LALSuite
-$ source /home/johnoh/.local/etc/lscsoftrc
- Instruction:
o Serial Job Running with Shell Script:
- Preparing Auxiliary Channel List:
- Each list file divided by at least one '_',
- ex) K1_KAGRA.DQ.Channel.LSC
- There are four files containing channel names : IMC.PSL, LSC, PEM, VIS
- Each list file divided by at least one '_',
- Modifying Configuration file:
- Open "CAGConfig.ini" file and setting up appropriately
- Creating .sh file:
- Just executing "./CAGMkSh.py"
- Run Shell Script with "CAGMonLK.[gps_start].[dur].[stride].[freq].sh"
- Then the result has been stored in your "$HOME/public_html" directory.
- After finishing all runs, then
- $ python MainWebBuild.py will get you the "index.html" page in your "public_html/"directory. o Single Job Running:
- $ python CAGMonLK.py -t [start-gps] -e [end-gps] -o [ifo / L H K ] -r [DataType/ ER8, O1, iKAGRA] -c [ChannelList File_Divided by '-'] -t [time stride] -f [resampled frequency]
- ex) python CAGMonLK.py -t 1145621579 -e 1145621609 -o K -r iKAGRA -c K1_KAGRA.DQ.Channel.LSC -t 1.0 -f 1024
- Help
- $ python CAGMonLK.py --help