base | data | di | ui | utils |
Base Dao & Kotlin | SessionManager & Kotlin | Dagger2 Named & Kotlin | DataBinding & Kotlin | Interceptor & Kotlin |
Base List Response & Kotlin | Retrofit & Kotlin | Dagger2 Custom Scope & Kotlin | ViewBinding & Kotlin | Soon |
Base Object Response & Kotlin | Room & Kotlin | Hilt & Kotlin | StatusBarStyle | Soon |
Base Activity & Kotlin | Room Load DB & Kotlin | Hilt Retrofit & Kotlin | ViewPager | Soon |
Base Resource & Kotlin | Soon |
Hilt ViewModel & Espresso | Soon |
Soon |
Soon |
Soon |
Soon |
Soon |
Soon |
My Live Template Repository & My Code Template Repository & My Reminder & My Reminder Flutter & My Reminder Web & My Base Code & My Base Code KT & My Base Laravel API & Terminal & My Code Generator & My Code Generator V2.
Name | Description | Name | Description |
BaseUtils | Common Utils for development Android |
SimpleMaterialStyle | Reduce boilerplate code in view.xml file |
EasyExternalDirectoryAndroid | Simple way to mkdir and make file for Android |
LogErrorAndroid | Make file if Force Close happen, you can trace error from user |
DialogAndroid | Simple way to use DialogFragment as dialog information |
SearchViewDialog | Dialog Search Single or Multi item Selection |
EditTextCurrency | Simple way to convert 1000000 to 1,000,000 in EditText . |
DynamicCheckBox | Simple way to use Dynamic CheckBox |
DynamicRadioButton | Simple way to use Dynamic RadioButton |
EasyDialogFragment | Simple way to use custom Dialog |
EasyViewPager | Simple way to use ViewPager Tabs or ViewPager Dots |
AndroidDropdown | Simple way to use AutoCompleteTextView |
EasySQLiteCRUD | Simple way to CRUD SQLite |
AndroidFormValidation | Simple way to Validate Form |
SimpleTextWatcher | Remove Useless Function TextWatcher |
TextViewCurrency | Simple way to convert 1000000 to 1,000,000 in EditText . |
SQLiteBuilder | Simple SQLite Instance |
RecyclerViewAdapterBuilder | Simple adapter RecyclerView |
NFCReader | Simple NFC Reader |
KeepUIState | Simple SavedInstanceState with StateUI |
DialogPreviewImage | Dialog Preview Image With Zoom | ValidatorValue | Simple validate without IF . |
EasySpannableText | Easy SpannableString Builder | CheckBeforeIntent | Check Form Before Leave Activity |
ControlForm | Easy Clear Form | ShareErrorReportTo | Share Error to WA |
EasyOptionMenu | Easy Option Menu Multi Level | EasyRangeSeekBar | Custom SeekBar |
EasyEmptyListState | Easy Empty State List | NumberForm | Easy NumberFrom , never let it empty. |
EasyButtonDelayed | Easy Button Delayed | PeekDatabase-V2 | Simple way to peek database |
- AdapterOnClick & Kotlin.
- Address Detail.
- Activity OptionMenu.
- AlarmManager & WorkManager.
- AlarmManager & WorkManager & Notification.
- Alert Dialog Example.
- Alert Enable Fitur.
- Android Signature Capture. [NoReadMe]
- Animation Smooth Delay /Empty State Retry Button. [NoReadMe]
- ArrayList Kotlin only.
- AutoCompleteTextView Remove Dropdown Arrow.
- BackgroundPNG. City Style BackgroundPNG.
- BatteryHistorianDockerLive.
- BindingTest Include ViewStub With Binding / Include
Programatically. - ButtonStyle.
- Button Loading. [NoReadMe]
- BottomSheetJava.
- Bundle.
- BottomSheetDialogFragmentJava.
- CardView Stroke.
- Check Internet & Kotlin.
- CheckQualityInternetV2.
- Check Storage.
- Check Time AutoActive.
- Class Convert.
- Class Converter Java.
- Clear Text Traffic Error.
- Coroutines Kotlin only.
- Coroutines Retrofit Kotlin only With Todo.
- Count Int OverPower / IDR / Count / RoundUp.
- CountDown.
- Current Location 3 Button, Interval. [NoReadMe]
- Current Location One Hit Interval/OneHit.
- Current Location RealTime With Notification Indicator.
- Current Location Simple 3 Button, Interval.
- CustomView LinearLayout.
- Dotted Dashed Line.
- Dark Mode Disable Force.
- Debug Trace.
- Delay Button Active.
- Dialog Fragment & Kotlin.
- Dialog With Icon dialog with icon.
- Drawable Best Config Recommended.
- Dynamic CheckBox With On Click.
- Dynamic RadioGroup With On Click.
- Dynamic RecyclerView.
- Dynamic View.
- EdiText Style.
- EdiText Debounce Save TextWatcher.
- Encrypt AES Android. Only Android. VeryComplex. Key Not Found.
- Encrypt AES Android. Only Android. Not Complex. Key Found.
- Encrypt AES Android. Only Android. Complex. Key Found.
- ExpandedView.
- File Picker Example.
- Firebase FCM.
- Firebase FCM V2 Simple. [NoReadMe]
- Firebase Remote Config & Kotlin.
- Force Close.
- Fragment Commit.
- Fragment Option Menu.
- FullScreen & Very FullScreen.
- gradle For Library Step 1.
- gradle For Library Step 2.
- HashMap & Kotlin.
- HashMap X Gson.
- Image Slider.
- Image Slider V2 Recomended. [NoReadMe]
- Image Single.
- Image Dynamic.
- ImageView Shapeable.
- IMEI Android.
- Immersive Screen.
- Immersive Screen Dashboard.
- Immersive Screen Best Auto Hide (Auto Hide After Show HomeButton) Recommended.
- Immersive Screen Best Config (Not Auto Hide After Show HomeButton).
- Intent Animation.
- JSON Raw.
- Kapt Kotlin only.
- Lambda.
- Looping.
- Magic Hands Flutter
- MultiDex.
- Multi Permission. Android 9 (SDK >= 28).
- Multi Permission. Error.
- Multi Permission Dexter. Dexter(Recomended).
- Multi Permission Dexter File Path. After Multi Permission Dexter.
- Notification Count Icon.
- Notification Oreo.
- NavigationComponentkt.
- Navigation Component Argument kt.
- Navigation Component BottomNavigationbar kt.
- OTP View.
- Pagination Manual Java.
- ParceLable.
- PDF From XML MultiData. [NoReadMe]
- PDF From XML SingleData. [NoReadMe]
- Peek Database.
- PhotoPicker Camera Galery.
- PhotoPicker Camera Galery No RV.
- Prefix Suffix View.
- PopupMenu.
- RecyclerView Single Type & Single Type Kotlin & Multi Type & Multi Type Kotlin.
- Radio Group Example.
- RecyclerView Animation.
- RecyclerView Best Margin.
- RecyclerView Button ShowMore.
- RecyclerView Checkbox.
- RecyclerView Count All Value.
- RecyclerView Diffutils.
- RecyclerView EmptyState.
- RecyclerView Infinite Cache.
- RecyclerView Infinite Cache V2.
- RecyclerView Pagination.
- RecyclerView Pagination Style.
- RecyclerView Pagination Style V2.
- RecyclerView Search Multi Item.
- RecyclerView Staggered.
- RecyclerView TableView.
- Release Name.
- Release Name V2.
- RepositoryImplementation & Kotlin.
- Room Join & Kotlin.
- RxJava2 & Kotlin.
- RxJava2 List.
- RxJava2 Retrofit & Kotlin.
- SavedInstanceState.
- SavedInstanceState X ViewModel & Kotlin.
- Save Double Value / Count / RoundUp.
- Save Double Value V2.
- Save Money Value / IDR / Count / RoundUp.
- SaveValueForUI.
- SearchStyle.
- ServiceSimple.
- Shape Gradient.
- Share Via Whatapps.
- Share Text Via Multi App.
- Share Text Via WhatApps.
- Shared ViewModel Fragment & Kotlin.
- Snackbar Custom.
- Spannable Text Example.
- SplashScreen.
- Spinner V2.
- StartActivity For Result.
- Suggestion Search.
- SwipeRefreshLayout.
- TabLayout ChipStyle V0 multi branch. [NoReadMe]
- TabLayout ChipStyle V1.
- TabLayout ChipStyle V2.
- TextInputLayout Mandatory.
- TextInputLayout Mandatory V2.
- TextInput Layout Style.
- TextView Copy.
- TextView Dynamic.
- TextView Max Width.
- TextView Shadow.
- TextView Shape Background.
- TextView TypeWriter.
- TextView 2 Line.
- UOM Adapter.
- UOM Adapter Convert Button.
- UOM Converter ModSpare.
- RunThreadExample / Run.
- Validation Email.
- Validate Password Character.
- ViewBinding Delegation.
- ViewBinding Include.
- ViewModel LiveData & Kotlin.
- ViewPager
- XML String.
- WorkManager.
- Weekend Detection.
- Weekend Detection V2.
- Yoyo Animation Simple.
- print_binary_square.
- LiveData
- Lazy
- Convert Image Assets
- Generate a Java Class from a Database Table
- Install On Air
- Web Template Downloaded
- FlutterDesign
- Laravel CRUD Mahasiswa
- CI3 CRUD No Bootstrap
- CI3 Bootstrap Design Dashboard or V2
- CI4 CRUD Simple No Dashboard
- Laravel BaseController
- VueJS Lumen & Cors [NoReadMe]
- CI4 CRUD Simple Bootstrap
- CI3 CRUD Simple Bootstrap
- CI4 Login Register
- Database Online
- Laravel Login Register
- Laravel Login Register(Recomended)
- Laravel Login Register(Recomended V4)
- Laravel Easy CRUD 1 Page
- Laravel Easy CRUD Modal Dashboard
- Laravel Struktur Master
- Laravel Form Photo
- Laravel Form Photo Multi
- JS Add Generating HTML With Button
- Web Charts
- Laravel Import CSV
- PHP String Uppercase Lowercase Underline
- HTML Pre Code CSS / Entity
- HTML Copy Text
- Laravel Create Zip Download
- Algoritma: C45, DoubleMovingAverage, LeastSquare
- Laravel Seeder
- Pos58 Print Web JS
- Laravel Encrypt
- Laravel Module Gen Data
- Laravel TimeZone
- Paravel Paging(Recomended)
- html_camera
- laravel_paging
- laravel_paging_export
- github_repos
- laravel_foreignkey_example
- ajax_upload
- laravel_captcha
- drag_drop_trello
- kards
- laravel-whatsapp
- laravel_simple_otp
- web_captcha
- Json Web
- tensorflow
- npm_arguments
- npm_arguments_v2
- laravel_dynamic_select
- laravel_template_sneat
- html_select_multi
- html_telegram_bot
- php_json_to_file
- all_javascript
- laravel_welcome_example
- html_qrcode
- laravel_leaflet
- laravel_leaflet_v2
- jquery_get_post
- search_select
- laravel_tabler
- js_fundamental
- laravel-create-custom-artisan-command
- sharedLock
- Laravel CRUD Data
- CI3 CRUD Data
- CI4 CRUD Data
- Lumen CRUD Data [NoReadMe]
- Laravel Basicauth [NoReadMe]
- Laravel Passport
- Laravel LogApi
- Laravel Photo Base64 Upload
- Laravel Sanctum
- NodeJs-Express-Validator-Tut
- express_js_form_simple
- express_js_mysql
- express_js_session
- express-manual-install
- ****
- Install SDK
- MyBaseFlutter
- Flutter Ecommerce V1
- Route
- Bottom NavigationBar
- ScrollView
- Theme
- Flutter Bloc NullSafety Dio
- Splashscreen
- JSON File
- LinearLayout
- ElevatedButton
- Flutter Layouting
- Flutter Dialog
- Flutter Listview
- Season 2
- my_base_flutter_v1
- bloc_dio_list
- bloc_dio_list_v2
- bloc_login
- bloc_simple
- flutter_alert_dialog
- flutter_base_bloc_list
- flutter_bloc_simple_v1
- flutter_d1_restaurant_picker
- flutter_d2_tip_calculator
- flutter_d3_easy_read
- flutter_d4_flashcard
- flutter_d5_show_webview
- flutter_d6_picture_carousel
- flutter_d7_tic_tac_toe
- flutter_d8_user_settings
- flutter_d9_share_snapshot
- flutter_d10_networking_request
- flutter_d11_weather_app
- flutter_d12_dynamic_list
- flutter_d13_bloc_and_cubit
- flutter_d14_bloc_and_cubit
- flutter_d14_bloc_and_cubit_v2 No Status.
- flutter_d14_bloc_and_cubit_v3 No Status.
- flutter_d15_bloc_navigation
- flutter_d16_pokedex_app
- flutter_d17_pokedex_app
- flutter_d21_sosial_media
- flutter_d22_sosial_media
- flutter_demo_api_v2
- flutter_navigator
- flutter_navigator_simple
- flutter_navigator_simple_no_cubit
- flutter_navigator_simple_v2
- flutter_navigator_simple_v3
- flutter_navigator_simple_v3_named
- flutter_navigator_simple_v3_namedroute
- flutter_navigator_simple_v4
- flutter_sessions
- flutter_cron
- flutter_check_internet_one_hit
- flutter_check_internet_realtime
- flutter_style_button
- php_date_convert
- flutter_time_periodic
- flutter_galery_camera_photo
- flutter_geolocator
- flutter_trust_location
- flutter_fcm_v3
- flutter_alert_dialog_callback
- flutter_alert_dialog_callback_v2
- flutter_syncfusion_flutter_datepicker
- flutter_syncfusion_flutter_datepicker_v2
- flutter_syncfusion_flutter_datepicker_v3
- zein_pub_dev_first_library Note Only
- flutter_carousel_slider_v2
- flutter_navigator_reload
- flutter_fundamental_tabbar3
- flutter_demo_upload
- flutter_dart_extension_starter
- flutter_listview_dinamic
- flutter_listview_dinamic_v2
- flutter_search_view_dialog
- flutter_date_picker_sbhris_v2
- flutter_easy_option_menu
- flutter_galery_photo
- flutter_galery_photo_v2
- flutter_image_downloader
- flutter_image_downloader_v2
- flutter_search_view_dialog
- pandec_flutter_bloc
- FormSwiftUI [NoReadMe]
- SwiftRandomPhoto [NoReadMe]
- SwiftUITutorialV1 [NoReadMe]