Created By : Sayak Naskar
License : MIT
Email: [email protected]
Free, Open-Source Notepad System with voice 😄
It's a python
based project using speech to text voice response. This project comes with GUI which will be very easy to use. There are three buttons on the GUI Frame. By using this, anybody can record anything like recording lectures or other stuffs. It can easily fetch complex
words. It has an export button to export all the records. Just need a good quality internet speed
- Export
- Speak
- Reset
Select your achitecture & Download Pyaudio from this link.
Open the terminal where you have kept your
file and add the following command in terminal.python3 -m pip install PyAudio-0.2.11-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
This is a personal development, please respect its philosophy.
Feel free to open issues or PRs for any problem you may encounter, typos that you see or aspects that are confusing. Contributions are welcome, open an issue or email me if you have something you want to work on.
Thanks to Sayan Mondal and I really appreciate all kinds of feedback. Thanks for using and supporting this project!