Simple category importer from CSV file. Allows to import / update categories not only from Magento shops (use old shop category ID)
- adds attribute to category 'Old category ID'
- adds possibility to add custom attribute codes by command option
- adds links between parent and child categories (by 'Old category ID')
- work only for admin store (multi stores are not implemented yet)
- please add parent categories before children in file
- use semicolon (';') as delimiter in file
Attributes supported by default:
Required attributes:
- id
- name
- parent_id
Optional attributes with predefined values:
- is_active - default value: 1
- is_anchor - default value: 1
- include_in_menu - default value: 1
- custom_use_parent_settings - default value: 1
Base additional attributes:
- description
- meta_title
- meta_keywords
- meta_description
- url_key
- url_path
- position
Base usage examples
bin/magento import:categories [--path|-p <path to file in Magento dir>] [--additional|-a <additional attributes separated by comma>]
bin/magento import:categories -p var/import/categories-example.csv
bin/magento import:categories -p var/import/categories-example.csv -a my_custom_attribute1,my_custom_attribute2,my_custom_attribute3