Long-read validation of BEDPE structural variation
Dependencies: bedtools
Clone the git repository
git clone [email protected]:hall-lab/long-read-validation.git
Download Illumina Moleculo and PacBio split reads from NA12878
wget http://colbychiang.com/hall/long-read-validation/NA12878.moleculo.splitreads.excldups.breakpoint.bedpe.gz
wget http://colbychiang.com/hall/long-read-validation/NA12878.pacbio.splitreads.excldups.breakpoint.bedpe.gz
Run the validation script. Note that column 11 of the BEDPE file must contain the type of SV (DEL, DUP, INV, or INT)
This appends two columns to the BEDPE file:
- Number of supporting Moleculo split reads
- Number of supporting PacBio split reads
longReadValidate \
-i example/NA12878.sv.bedpe \
-m NA12878.moleculo.splitreads.excldups.breakpoint.bedpe.gz \
-p NA12878.pacbio.splitreads.excldups.breakpoint.bedpe.gz \
-s 5 \
> NA12878.sv.val.bedpe
For Layer et al. we required at least 1 Moleculo split read or at least 2 PacBio split reads, with slop of 5.
cat NA12878.sv.val.bedpe | awk '$(NF-1)>=1 || $NF>=2' | wc -l
# 2508
usage: ./longReadValidate OPTIONS
-h Show this message
-i BEDPE input file name
-s slop (default: 0)
-m Moleculo file
-p PacBio file
-k keep temporary files
The following commands demonstrate how NA12878.moleculo.splitreads.excldups.breakpoint.bedpe.gz and NA12878.pacbio.splitreads.excldups.breakpoint.bedpe.gz were constructed from long-read BAM files.
# ===============================================
# 0. Requirements
# https://github.com/hall-lab/long-read-validation/blob/master/splitterToBreakpoint
# https://github.com/hall-lab/long-read-validation/blob/master/splitReadSamToBedpe
# ===============================================
# 1. PacBio
# /mnt/hall13_local/cc2qe/na12878_pacbio
# a. Download the data
~cc2qe/.aspera/connect/bin/ascp -i ~cc2qe/.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.putty -QTr -l 1000M [email protected]:/1000genomes/ftp/technical/working/20131209_na12878_pacbio/Schadt/alignment/NA12878.pacbio_fr_MountSinai.bwa-sw.20140211.bam .
~cc2qe/.aspera/connect/bin/ascp -i ~cc2qe/.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.putty -QTr -l 1000M [email protected]:/1000genomes/ftp/technical/working/20131209_na12878_pacbio/Schadt/alignment/NA12878.pacbio_fr_MountSinai.bwa-sw.20140211.bam.bai .
# b. Convert the bam file to fastq
samtools view -F 256 -u NA12878.pacbio_fr_MountSinai.bwa-sw.20140211.readsort.bam | bamToFastq -i - -fq /dev/stdout | gzip -c > NA12878.pacbio_fr_MountSinai.bwa-sw.20140211.fq.gz
# c. Align with pacbio (55.5 hours)
time bwa-0.7.10 mem \
-x pacbio \
-t 24 \
-M \
-R "@RG\tID:NA12878\tSM:NA12878" \
/shared/genomes/b37/full/human_g1k_v37.fasta \
NA12878.pacbio_fr_MountSinai.bwa-sw.20140211.fq.gz \
| samblaster -s splitters.sam \
| sambamba view -S -f bam /dev/stdin \
> NA12878.pacbio.realign.bam
# real 3329m25.715s
# user 76145m20.379s
# sys 499m22.800s
# get stats on read length
# coverage depth: 79219315761/2867459933 = 27.627
# (2867459933 is non-gapped genome size)
sambamba view -F "not duplicate and not secondary_alignment" NA12878.pacbio.realign.bam | awk '{ print length($10) }' | zstats > NA12878.pacbio.realign.bam.readlength.stats
cat NA12878.pacbio.realign.bam.readlength.stats
# num lines: 24850098
# num unique: 25830
# sum: 79219315761.0
# arith. mean: 3187.88745867
# geo. mean: 2252.60697049
# min: 50.0
# Q1: 1390.0
# median: 2355.0
# Q3: 4042.0
# max: 40986.0
# mode: 1628.0 (N=6850)
# anti-mode: 40986.0 (N=1)
# stdev: 2763.47786754
# variance: 7636809.92441
# d. Convert the split reads to bedpe format
# BAM file must be sorted by queryname
# svtools commit: 73bd62d59deaecb03c0467e1031a02e31709a402
time sambamba view -h -F "not duplicate" NA12878.pacbio.realign.bam \
| ~/code/svtools/splitReadSamToBedpe -i stdin \
| gzip -c \
> NA12878.pacbio.splitreads.excldups.bedpe.gz
# real 210m17.002s
# user 281m14.462s
# sys 6m2.616s
# e. Convert the split reads to breakpoint calls (slop of 0 on each side of break)
time zcat NA12878.pacbio.splitreads.excldups.bedpe.gz \
| ~/code/svtools/splitterToBreakpoint -s 0 -i stdin -r 1000000 \
| awk '{ if ($2<0) $2=0; if ($4<0) $4=0; print }' OFS="\t" \
| awk '{ if ($1!=$4) { $18="DISTANT_INTER" } else { gsub("deletion","DEL",$18); gsub("duplication","DUP",$18); gsub("inversion","INV",$18); gsub("^local","LOCAL",$18); gsub("^distant","DISTANT",$18); } print }' OFS="\t" \
| gzip -c > slop0/NA12878.pacbio.splitreads.excldups.breakpoint.bedpe.gz
# real 0m48.947s
# user 1m41.482s
# sys 0m2.929s
# ===============================================
# 2. Moleculo
# /mnt/hall13_local/cc2qe/na12878_moleculo
# a. Download moleculo data
~cc2qe/.aspera/connect/bin/ascp -i ~cc2qe/.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.putty -QTr -l 1000M [email protected]:/1000genomes/ftp/technical/working/20131209_na12878_moleculo/alignment/NA12878.moleculo.bwa-mem.20140110.bam .
~cc2qe/.aspera/connect/bin/ascp -i ~cc2qe/.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.putty -QTr -l 1000M [email protected]:/1000genomes/ftp/technical/working/20131209_na12878_moleculo/alignment/NA12878.moleculo.bwa-mem.20140110.bam.bai .
# get stats on read length
# coverage depth: 89375800009/2867459933 = 31.16898
# (2867459933 is non-gapped genome size)
sambamba view -F "not duplicate and not secondary_alignment" NA12878.moleculo.bwa-mem.20140110.bam | awk '{ print length($10) }' | zstats > NA12878.moleculo.bwa-mem.20140110.bam.readlength.stats
cat NA12878.moleculo.bwa-mem.20140110.bam.readlength.stats
# num lines: 22136936
# num unique: 13990
# sum: 89375800009.0
# arith. mean: 4037.40608045
# geo. mean: 3454.85517152
# min: 1500.0
# Q1: 2158.0
# median: 3227.0
# Q3: 5256.0
# max: 22319.0
# mode: 1501.0 (N=10577)
# anti-mode: 22319.0 (N=1)
# stdev: 2387.56588965
# variance: 5700470.87744
# b. Read sort the file
samba sort -m 32G --tmpdir=temp -n -p -t 24 -o NA12878.moleculo.bwa-mem.20140110.readsort.bam NA12878.moleculo.bwa-mem.20140110.bam
# c. Convert the split reads to bedpe format
sambamba view -h -F "not duplicate" NA12878.moleculo.bwa-mem.20140110.readsort.bam | ~/code/svtools/splitReadSamToBedpe -i stdin | bedtools sort | gzip -c > NA12878.moleculo.splitreads.excldups.bedpe.gz
# d. Convert to breakpoint calls (slop of 0 on each side of break)
mkdir -p slop0
zcat NA12878.moleculo.splitreads.excldups.bedpe.gz \
| ~/code/svtools/splitterToBreakpoint -s 0 -i stdin -r 1000000 \
| awk '{ if ($2<0) $2=0; if ($4<0) $4=0; print }' OFS="\t" \
| awk '{ if ($1!=$4) { $18="DISTANT_INTER" } else { gsub("deletion","DEL",$18); gsub("duplication","DUP",$18); gsub("inversion","INV",$18); gsub("^local","LOCAL",$18); gsub("^distant","DISTANT",$18); } print }' OFS="\t" \
| bgzip -c \
> slop0/NA12878.moleculo.splitreads.excldups.breakpoint.bedpe.gz