HAProxy Data Plane API v2.6.3
Release Notes
HAProxy Data Plane API v2.6.3 12f632e
Build from: [email protected]:haproxytech/dataplaneapi.git
Build date: 2023-07-26T13:58:14Z
- 7a5a472 BUG/MAJOR: reconfigure runtime client and HAPorxy if path changes in the configuration file
- 6e77cef BUG/MAJOR: reload runtime client if the configuration is changed with global endpoint
- cee913a BUG/MEDIUM: configuration: fix using backups_dir option
- e5eec1e BUG/MINOR: aws: sanity checking for instance service tags
- 85ba7db BUG/MINOR: configuration: fix missing logs during configuration loading
- 4022494 BUG/MINOR: detect when a raw configuration is uploaded incorrectly
- abcd224 BUG/MINOR: reloads: trigger callback in force reload even when next reload exists
- 12f632e BUILD/MEDIUM: goreleaser: Build apk, rpm and deb packages
- 7a496d3 BUILD/MINOR: git: ignore Goland ide configuration directory
- 90d4e98 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update Go packages
- c09344f BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update Go packages
- d854c98 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update Go packages
- 247f9ea BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update Go packages
- 8bd7159 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update Go packages
- adce0f5 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2
- 8760b6b BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2
- 3b47145 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2
- d4a94e7 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2
- 4dcdb3d BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/ec2 v1.92.0
- 304c9db BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/ec2 v1.92.1
- cabffb1 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update github.com/perimeterx/marshmallow v1.1.5
- b154f46 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update golang.org/x packages
- bd1f0d1 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update golang.org/x packages
- a50cbd0 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update golang.org/x packages
- 0ac1416 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update golang.org/x packages
- 8df7851 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update golang.org/x packages
- f379eb1 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update golang.org/x packages
- 03d8040 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update golang.org/x packages
- 9e87485 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update golang.org/x packages
- 9e4db65 BUILD/MINOR: go.mod: update golang.org/x packages
- 2f70ee3 BUILD/MINOR: goreleaser: fix deprecation and release notes generation
- b4e4c45 BUILD/MINOR: swagger: generate from latest spec
- 08940f4 DOC/MINOR: aws: only one port is allowed