MCLP is a simple Python script that can generate statistics about a Minecraft server based on it's server.log
- Calculates total time played for each player.
As you can see, the feature list is pretty slim right now. The good news is I have some:
- Generate death counts
- Calculate total play times based on how long it's been since they first joined the server (balancing old players vs new players, basically)
- Generate an HTML summary, since the CLI is no fun to work with.
- Server errors
I'm open to suggestions. If you have an idea for a statistic that could be generated feel free to suggest it in the issue tracker. If you're feeling extra generous, you could always implement a feature on your own and submit a pull request!
Using MCLP is pretty basic. Just clone the git repository, cd to the directory your server.log resides in, and run the script.
Example for the needy:
git clone
cd ./mc-server
python ../Minecraft-Log-Parser/
Then you should see some neat statistics show up!