API for Android Minecraft com.Server Menegment, Features:
- player list
- close, restart server
- kick, ban, mute player's
- get tps
- SQL user database
- advanced logging system for server
- advanced auto repair system
- powerful http core with apache linux server
- and more...
TCP socket json - localhost 2800 Android APP -> api.lagpixel.pl -> java api -> plugin paper -> server
JSON syntax:
- code
- type
- body
- token
- user
- password
- Protocol_version
- andrioid_version
code, body, body returned
- 0 - exit server
- 1 - restart
- 2 - try on
- 5 - get player list | body: none | status, body: players: jsonarray
- 6 - ban | body: player, reason, expires, user | status, body: none
- 7 - kick | body: player, message, user | status, body: none
- 8 - tps | body: none | status, body: tps
- 9 - whitelist on | body: none | status, body: status,
- 10 - whitelist off | body: none | status, body: status,
- 11 - remove whitelist | body: player | status, body: none
- 12 - add whitelist | body: player | status, body: none
- 14 - say | body: player, message | status, body: none
- 15 - whitelist bool | body: none | status, body: whitelistbool
- 16 - whitelist list | body: none | status, body: list
- 17 - whitelist player check | body: player | body: bool
- 18 - check conn | body: none | body: none
- 19 - get system data | body: none | body: data{ memory{total, free, using}, cpu{tempcpubuff, tempcpu, measure_time: []}}
Ban player Gauza_pauza with reason "bo tak" in expires permament with source from user root
GET api.lagpixel.pl/api/
"token": "token",
"code": "7",
"version_protocol": "012",
"body": {
"player": "gauza_pauza",
"reason": "bo tak",
"expires": "perm",
"source": "user"
"auth": {
"user": "root",
"password": "root",
{ "status": "OK", "version_protocol": "OK", "version_android": "OK", "authentication": "OK", "body": {} }
{ "user": "root", "password": "root", "protocol": "012", "expires": „7” - days }
{ "status": "OK", "protocol": "OK", "authentication": "OK", "token": "token", "expires": "7" }
PogChamp Telecomunication's System's
Lagpixel's System's
(c) 2021 PogChamp Company. All rights reserved.