Secret Dairy is a website for saving daily or important notes. This is website is consists of a dashboard where user can write notes. While user is typing, notes are simultaneously stored in database, using jQuery AJAX technique, without refreshing the page. Once user is signed up, password is encrypted securely using md5() PHP function. User can be logged in up to thirty days using cookies. On sign up, email is verified by a regular expressions so that if user enters correct email.
User can sign in with a third party API. Google Login API is used to sign in so that user can easily sign in Secret Dairy. Moreover, user is checked whether user is verified or not. A verification email is sent to the user’s email address,once clicked the link that sent upon sign up, the user is verified. Furthermore, PHP’s mysqli_real_escape_string() function is used to prevent SQL injections attack.
- [PHP] - Scripting language
- [MySQL] - database
- [HTML] - Hyper Text Markup Language
- [Twitter Bootstrap] - great UI for modern web apps
- [CSS] - cascading stylesheet
- [Javascript] - Scripting language
- [jQuery] - Javascript library
- [Apache HTTP Server]