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Overview The Campaign Registry (TCR) data model contains 3 key entities†: * Campaign Service Provider (CSP), who is contracted with Direct Connect Aggregator (DCA or 0-Hop)) and TCR. CSP is typically the party hosting the campaign on its own technology platform. CSP account creation in TCR requires manual vetting and reference checks. * Brand is the legal entity or role responsible for the messaging content in a campaign. A brand depends on the CSP for submitting a campaign request to TCR. TCR will perform Cyber and Identity verifications against every brand registered by CSP.  * Campaign is an encompassing entity that ties together the who (CSP and Brand) and the what (Use Case) for all 10DLC messaging campaigns. A campaign can only be submitted by the CSP.   † TCR also supports Reseller(Large account). CSP manages the resellers and identify campaigns that belong to a reseller. Reseller can be set ONLY ONCE while creating or updating campaign. ### Identifier A unique identifier is assigned to each above-referenced entity. CSP, Brand, and Campaign are assigned unique 7-char upper alphanumeric identity prefixed with the letter 'S', 'B' and 'C' respectively. These identities are used throughout this API operations. ### Blocking vs Non-Blocking Brand Registration There are two API endpoints available for registering brands: Blocking vs Non-Blocking. The blocking flavor will 'block' until TCR completes the initial brand scoring task, which may take more than 10 seconds. The non-blocking version does not wait for the brand scoring task and returns much quicker. The non-blocking version is suitable for CSP who wish to register a number of brands in an offline process. Brands registered via non-blocking API are not immediately ready for campaign registration. The CSP must be notified (via webhook event BRAND_SCORE_UPDATE) before a campaign can be registered for the brand. Under a non-queuing steady-state operation, the expected wait time is under 2 minutes. ### Brand Identity Status When a Non-Sole Prop brand is registered, TCR will attempt to verify the identity of the brand based on the supplied information. The brand is assigned a VERIFIED or UNVERIFIED status upon registration completion. If the brand has the UNVERIFIED identity status, then the brand will not qualify to run campaign on any MNO network. #### Levels of Brand Identity Statuses * SELF_DECLARED Applicable to Sole-Proprietor entity type. TCR does not make attempt to verify the brand information. * UNVERIFIED TCR is unable to verify or identify the existence of the brand. An UNVERIFIED brand is not permitted to run a 10DLC campaign. * VERIFIED TCR is able to verify the information and identify the existence of the organization. A VERIFIED brand is permitted to run standard 10DLC campaigns across all MNO networks. * VETTED_VERIFIED Brand with an external STANDARD class vet. A VETTED_VERIFIED brand may potentially gain access to higher throughput and additional use-cases across some MNO networks. If a brand is assigned an UNVERIFIED status, the CSP can make corrections based on the hints from the brand feedback API. The below table summarizes the possible brand feedback issues by entity type and potential course of actions: | Entity Type | Potential causes for UNVERIFIED status | Recourse | |-----------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | PRIVATE_PROFIT | Invalid ein, or mismatch between ein and companyName. | 1)Revet w/ correction. 2)External vet with correction. | | PUBLIC_PROFIT | Invalid ein, or mismatch between ein and companyName. | 1)Revet w/ correction. 2)External vet with correction. | | NON_PROFIT | Invalid ein, mismatch between ein and companyName. | 1)Revet w/ correction. 2)External vet with correction. | | GOVERNMENT | Invalid ein, mismatch between ein and companyName. | 1)Revet w/ correction. 2)External vet with correction. | | SOLE_PROPRIETOR | -- Not applicable -- | -- Not applicable -- | ### Brand Optional Attributes Brand optional attributes are a collection of non-standard attributes applicable to some brands based on characteristics not limited to entity types. The brand optional attributes (optionalAttributes) is a property of Brand object. Some examples of optional attributes: * russell3000 Recognizes public companies that are in the Russell 3000 index. The said brand may be granted higher throughput on some MNO networks. * taxExemptStatus Identifies the tax-exempt 501c status for a non-profit brand. A '501c3' status is mandatory for accessing CHARITY use-case on some MNO networks. * politicalCommitteeLocale Political committee Locale identified by a Campaign Verify vet. Possible values are federal, state, local and tribal. * section527 Section 527 status identified by a Campaign Verify vet. A 527 group is a type of U.S. tax-exempt organization organized under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. The said brand may be granted higher throughput on some MNO networks. * governmentEntity Confirmation that the brand is a closely affiliated, generally by government ownership or control, with federal, state or local governments. The said brand may be granted higher throughput on some MNO networks. The list of defined optional attributes can be retrieved through the GET /enum/optionalAttributeNames API endpoint. ### Brand External Vetting Some special campaign use-cases require the brand to be vetted by a participating vetting provider. TCR can either accept existing vetting records from a TCR approved vetting provider, or accept a new vetting request to be placed via an API call. The steps for both workflows are detailed as follow: #### Existing Vet 1. CSP to create a brand in TCR. (Skip if the brand is already in TCR) 2. CSP to invoke PUT /brand/{brand}/externalVetting operation to confirm the vetting credential evpId (Vetting Identifier) and optionally required for some vetting provider the vettingToken are passed into the API call. This API call will return synchronously with the latest vetting record status. #### Order New External Vet 1. CSP to create a brand in TCR. (Skip if the brand is already in TCR) 2. CSP to invoke POST /brand/{brand}/externalVetting operation to initiate a brand vetting through the desired EVP. This API call is not expected to return vetting results. 3. Vetting results may take anywhere from 30 seconds to 24 hours depending on the vetting provider. When the vetting provider completes vetting, the results are recorded in TCR. Vetting status can either be pushed to CSP via webhook or polled by CSP via API call. ### Brand Deletion Here are some business rules around brand deletion: * Brand deletion is an irreversible action. * Brand can be deleted from a CSP account if the brand does not have any active campaigns. * Deleted brands remain searchable in GET /brand API endpoint. However, GET /brand/{brandId} API for deleted brand will results in error 502 - "Brand not found". * Expired campaigns associated with deleted brands remain searchable in GET /campaign API endpoint. ### Campaign Lifecycle 1. Register brand: Every campaign must be associated with a brand. CSP can register the brand using the Brand Operations. 2. Register campaign: CSP can use the Campaign Builder Operations. Most registered brands will qualify for a majority of standard campaign use-cases. There are some special use-cases that require proof of brand-vetting and/or Mobile Network Operator (MNO) approval. TCR can track campaign approval status across individual participating MNO networks. CSP can pull (via API call) and/or receive push (via webhook) on campaign MNO operation status changes. 3. Share campaign: CSP can use the Campaign Sharing Operations to share campaign with upstream connectivity partner (CNP) for campaign on-boarding with MNO. CNP assigns phone number to campaign. 4. Sunset campaign: Campaign registration is paid on a quarterly basis. CSP can cancel auto-renewal or deactivate to terminate the campaign immediately. <img src="/assets/images/csp_api_std_flow_v1.jpg" /> ### Campaign Sharing While registering a campaign, the CSP is required to share with an upstream Connectivity Partner (CNP) who they work with to provision the campaign. A Connectivity Partner may be an TCR CSP or DCA. The sharing process continue up the stream until the campaign reaches a DCA. <img src="/assets/images/cnp_chain.jpeg" /> #### Campaign Sharing Principles 1. The term 'Downstream Connectivity Partner' a.k.a. 'Downstream CNP' describes the CNP sharing campaign with you. Conversely, the term 'Upstream CNP' identifies the CNP with whom the campaign is shared. 2. The campaign CSP may share campaigns directly to a DCA. This is the most direct way to on-board a campaign. 3. Once a campaign is shared with an upstream CNP, the sharing status is marked PENDING. While the sharing status is in the PENDING state, the downstream CNP cannot rescind the sharing request nor change the upstream CNP. 4. Upstream CNP can decline a sharing request from downstream CNP. Action to decline a sharing request will mark the sharing status to a DECLINED state. At this point, the downstream CNP is allowed to share campaigns with a different upstream CNP. 5. The sharing status is updated to ACCEPTED state under the following circumstances: 1)Upstream CNP is a CSP and shares the campaign to another CNP, taking the campaign further up the chain, 2)Upstream CNP is a DCA. 6. The adjacent downstream CNP is notified of sharing status change via the webhook mechanism. 7. When a campaign is shared with an upstream CNP, campaign details are shared based on a needed basis. When sharing the campaign with another CSP, the majority of the campaign details are obfuscated or hidden from the upstream CSP. However, when a campaign is shared with a DCA, the entire campaign details, including the CNP chain formation/hops are visible to the DCA. ## API Interactions API includes both a pull model and push (aka webhook) model communication between CSP and TCR. Depending on the specific requirements, CSP may choose to implement one or both. More specifically, pull model API calls are intended for querying or updating TCR entities, while webhook is intended for CSP to be notified of events or updates that occurred in TCR. For example, CSP can query campaign details by issuing a pull query against TCR. CSP can be notified via webhook when a new campaign or brand is registered in TCR. ### Webhook Event Types and Event Categories TCR produces several events grouped into categories. CSP can subscribe to receive notification of events by category. A subscription can be created by associating a CSP webhook endpoint to an event category.  Webhook event is expected to be in form of a flat-map JSON data structure. Webhook event contains an eventType along with other JSON properties. Here are the possible list of JSON attributes: | JSON Attribute | Description | Mandatory | Data Type | |--------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------|-----------| | eventType | Webhook event type | Yes | String | | cspId | CSP ID | No | String | | cnpId | CNP ID | No | String | | cspName | CSP display name | No | String | | brandId | Brand ID | No | String | | brandName | Brand display name | No | String | | brandReferenceId | Brand reference ID (Visible to brand creator) | No | String | | brandIdentityStatus| Updated brand identity status. Applicable to BRAND_IDENTITY_STATUS_UPDATE event | No | String | | campaignId | Campaign ID | No | String | | campaignReferenceId| Campaign reference ID (Visible to campaign creator) | No | String | | dcaId | DCA ID | No | String | | dcaName | DCA display name | No | String | | description | Description | No | String | | evpId | External Vetting Provider ID | No | String | | evpName | External Vetting Provider display name | No | String | | vettingId | External vetting ID | No | String | | mnoId | Mobile Network Operator ID\. Please refer to Network resource for list of all MNOs | No | Long | | mnoName | Mobile Network Operator display name | No | String | | mock | Event associated with a mock brand if attribute exists and value is 'true' | No | Boolean | #### Webhook Example - Notification of campaign suspension by AT&T sh POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: *.* Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 226 Content-Type: application/json; utf-8 X-Registry-Signature: SmqzLvP6uQDM6DD2lfdLqwiJJbo= { \"cspId\" : \"SUEKBB\", \"brandName\" : \"Microsoft\", \"brandName\" : \"Microsoft\", \"mnoName\" : \"AT&T\", \"campaignId\" : \"CRMKK5Y\", \"campaignReferenceId\" : \"C-00388\", \"brandId\" : \"BFHXANR\", \"brandReferenceId\" : \"Q-29393332\", \"mnoId\" : 10017, \"eventType\" : \"MNO_CAMPAIGN_OPERATION_SUSPENDED\", \"cspName\" : \"ACME\" } ### Webhook Authentication To ensure secure communication between TCR and the subscriber application, all the webhook notifications sent out from TCR will have HMAC-SHA1 signed "X-Registry-Signature" authentication header. Steps to verify the signed signature by every subscriber: 1. Canonicalize the JSON raw content (webhook notification body) into a string. Refer <a href="\">JCS defined canonicalization. 2. Build string to be signed, stringToSign = webhook URL + canonicalized string. 3. AuthKey = subscriber's TCR account SECRET key. 4. Apply HMAC-SHA1 algorithm on the stringToSign with authKey and get the signedString. Refer to the 'How to Validate a Webhook Signature using HMAC' section in <a href="\">Webhook Instructions for CSP API. 5. Compare the X-Registry-Signature value with the signedString to determine the authenticity of the webhook notification. #### Webhook IP Addresses The IP addresses that TCR uses to make webhooks to your server are limited to following the addresses: * Production: * QA/Sandbox and Staging: ### API Authentication TCR REST API operations are only accessible via HTTPS to ensure API call data is encrypted between the registry server and your application.  To protect against unauthorized access, the TCR server requires call level authentication for CSP identity.  CSP Registry REST API supports Basic Authentication. Basic Authentication is an industry-standard for enforcing access control to the HTTP resources.  CSP account must be provisioned for REST API access. Once provisioned, CSP will be assigned a pair of authentication tokens: APIKEY and SECRET.  APIKEY and SECRET tokens are passed as User and Password elements of the basic authentication header. sh $ curl --user [APIKEY]:[SECRET] GET \"http://[SERVER]/v1/enum/entityType\" -H \"accept: application/json\" ### API Rate Limiting A rate limit is the number of API calls a CSP account can make within a given time period. If this limit is exceeded, API requests made by the CSP will fail with an HTTP status 429 code. Unless specified otherwise, all GET operations are rate-limited at 20 requests per second, while all PUT, POST, and DELETE operations are rate-limited at 20 requests per 10 seconds. ### Platform Free Trial (PFT) Feature CSP can register platform-free-trial campaigns to support trial customer messaging activities. The PFT feature requires MNO approval. Please contact TCR support for the approval process. CSP can check for the PFT feature status by issuing an API call against the GET /csp/profile endpoint. #### Registering PFT Campaigns Upon approval by MNO, the CSP will be assigned a PFT-enabled brand by the TCR team. You can retrieve the Brand ID by issuing an API call against the GET /pft/brand endpoint. Here are some business rules surrounding PFT campaigns: * A single PFT-enabled brand is assigned to the CSP account. * This PFT-enabled brand is used for registering all PFT campaigns with use-case type: TRIAL. * CSP is allowed to register one campaign for its own use plus one campaign per ISV/reseller. * When registering a PFT campaign for an ISV, the said ISV must be identified by the 'resellerId' parameter in the POST /campaignBuilder API request. * The registration and sharing processes for the PFT type campaign are otherwise identical to a standard use-case type. <img src="/assets/images/pft_flow.jpg" /> NOTE: The Platform Free Trial feature is not enabled by default for CSP accounts. Please contact TCR support for more information. #### Reporting PFT User Provisioning MNOs mandate CSP to report user-provisioning events to TCR. A user-provisioning event is recognized when the CSP (or CSP's ISV) assigns a 10DLC long code to a free trial user account. The CSP must report this event on a real-time basis as trial account users are assigned 10DLC long codes. There is no need to report deactivation or de-provisioning of the trial user account to TCR. Please refer to the POST /pft/participant endpoint for more usage details. ### Sole Proprietor Type/Feature Brand without a business EIN can be registered into TCR under the new SOLE_PROPRIETOR entity designation. Here are some key limitations of SOLE_PRPRIETOR entity type: * Has lower message throughput. * Is limited to a single campaign of SOLE_PROPRIETOR use-case, supporting mixed messaging content. * Is limited to 5 10DLC numbers provisioned to the campaign. * Is not eligible for external vet to gain higher messaging throughput. <img src="/assets/images/sp_flow.jpg" /> NOTE: The Sole proprietor feature is not enabled by default for CSP accounts. Please contact TCR support for more information. ### Mock Brand and Campaign Mock brand and campaign are used to test applications without actually registering records into NetNumber OSR or incur any billable charges. Here are some additional business rules surrounding mock brands and campaigns: * All mock brands will be automatically deleted 30 days after initial registration. Deletion will cascade across all campaigns created from mock brands. * Mock brands and campaigns are only visible privately to the CSP. * Mock brands can be externally vetted to access special use cases. * Campaigns created from mock brands are mock campaigns. * Mock campaigns are not functional campaigns. You cannot run SMS traffic over mock campaigns. * Mock campaigns cannot be shared upstream to CNP and are not registered in NetNumber OSR. * Webhook events associated with mock brands or campaigns are identified with JSON attribute 'mock' = true. ## How To Use This Interactive API Doc This interactive API doc enables a developer to test API operations in the API suite. To invoke the API call in the interactive console,  you must first log-in by clicking on the green Authorize button. Use your assigned authentication tokens APIKEY in Username field and SECRET in Password field of the login dialog box. ## API Version and Changelog The API version number can be accessed via GET /version operation. The changelog is available <a href="\">here.

This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.php.PhpClientCodegen


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "git",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:



To run the unit tests:

composer install

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: myBasicAuthSecurity
$config = TCR\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new TCR\Client\Api\BrandApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$body = new \TCR\Client\Model\BrandRequest(); // \TCR\Client\Model\BrandRequest | Brand to be created

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->createBrand($body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BrandApi->createBrand: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: myBasicAuthSecurity
$config = TCR\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new TCR\Client\Api\BrandApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$body = new \TCR\Client\Model\BrandRequest(); // \TCR\Client\Model\BrandRequest | Brand to be created

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->createBrandNonBlocking($body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BrandApi->createBrandNonBlocking: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: myBasicAuthSecurity
$config = TCR\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new TCR\Client\Api\BrandApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$brand_id = "brand_id_example"; // string | Brand alphanumeric identifier (prefixed with letter 'B')

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BrandApi->deleteBrand: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: myBasicAuthSecurity
$config = TCR\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new TCR\Client\Api\BrandApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$brand_id = "brand_id_example"; // string | Brand alphanumeric identifier (prefixed with letter 'B')

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->getBrand($brand_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BrandApi->getBrand: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: myBasicAuthSecurity
$config = TCR\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new TCR\Client\Api\BrandApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$brand_id = "brand_id_example"; // string | Brand alphanumeric identifier (prefixed with letter 'B')

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->getBrandFeedback($brand_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BrandApi->getBrandFeedback: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: myBasicAuthSecurity
$config = TCR\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new TCR\Client\Api\BrandApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$body = new \TCR\Client\Model\ExternalVettingImportRequest(); // \TCR\Client\Model\ExternalVettingImportRequest | External vetting record to be imported for a given brand
$brand_id = "brand_id_example"; // string | Brand alphanumeric identifier (prefixed with letter 'B')

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->importBrandExternalVetting($body, $brand_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BrandApi->importBrandExternalVetting: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: myBasicAuthSecurity
$config = TCR\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new TCR\Client\Api\BrandApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$reference_id = "reference_id_example"; // string | Reference ID.
$display_name = "display_name_example"; // string | DBA or trade name of the business. Partial spelling accepted.
$entity_type = "entity_type_example"; // string | Brand entity type.
$identity_status = "identity_status_example"; // string | Brand identity status.
$status = "ACTIVE"; // string | Brand status. Default value is 'ACTIVE'
$state = "state_example"; // string | State or province. For U.S. input must conforms to 2-letter abbreviation.
$country = "country_example"; // string | ISO2 2-letter abbreveiation of country.
$ein = "ein_example"; // string | Government assigned corporate tax ID. EIN is 9-digits in U.S.
$reseller_id = "reseller_id_example"; // string | Reseller ID.
$tag = array("tag_example"); // string[] | Tag
$mock = true; // bool | Mock brand Default 'null' input returns both real and test brands.
$page = 1; // int | 
$records_per_page = 10; // int | Number of records per page. Max size is 500

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->listBrands($reference_id, $display_name, $entity_type, $identity_status, $status, $state, $country, $ein, $reseller_id, $tag, $mock, $page, $records_per_page);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BrandApi->listBrands: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: myBasicAuthSecurity
$config = TCR\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new TCR\Client\Api\BrandApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$brand_id = "brand_id_example"; // string | Brand ID
$vetting_status = array("vetting_status_example"); // string[] | 
$evp_id = "evp_id_example"; // string | Vetting provider ID
$vetting_class = "vetting_class_example"; // string | Vetting class

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->listExternalVettings($brand_id, $vetting_status, $evp_id, $vetting_class);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BrandApi->listExternalVettings: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: myBasicAuthSecurity
$config = TCR\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new TCR\Client\Api\BrandApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$body = new \TCR\Client\Model\ExternalVettingOrderRequest(); // \TCR\Client\Model\ExternalVettingOrderRequest | External vetting information to be updated
$brand_id = "brand_id_example"; // string | Brand alphanumeric identifier (prefixed with letter 'B')

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->orderBrandExternalVetting($body, $brand_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BrandApi->orderBrandExternalVetting: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: myBasicAuthSecurity
$config = TCR\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new TCR\Client\Api\BrandApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$brand_id = "brand_id_example"; // string | Brand alphanumeric identifier (prefixed with letter 'B')
$non_blocking = true; // bool | 

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->revetBrand($brand_id, $non_blocking);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BrandApi->revetBrand: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: myBasicAuthSecurity
$config = TCR\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()

$apiInstance = new TCR\Client\Api\BrandApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$body = new \TCR\Client\Model\UpdateBrand(); // \TCR\Client\Model\UpdateBrand | Brand properties to be updated
$brand_id = "brand_id_example"; // string | Brand alphanumeric identifier (prefixed with letter 'B')

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->updateBrand($body, $brand_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BrandApi->updateBrand: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to /v1

Class Method HTTP request Description
BrandApi createBrand POST /brand Create new Brand (Blocking)
BrandApi createBrandNonBlocking POST /brand/nonBlocking Create new Brand (Non-Blocking)
BrandApi deleteBrand DELETE /brand/{brandId} Delete brand
BrandApi getBrand GET /brand/{brandId} Get existing Brand by ID
BrandApi getBrandFeedback GET /brand/feedback/{brandId} Get brand feedback by ID
BrandApi importBrandExternalVetting PUT /brand/{brandId}/externalVetting Import external vetting record
BrandApi listBrands GET /brand Search brands
BrandApi listExternalVettings GET /brand/{brandId}/externalVetting Get list of external vetting record for a given brand
BrandApi orderBrandExternalVetting POST /brand/{brandId}/externalVetting Order new external vetting for a brand
BrandApi revetBrand PUT /brand/{brandId}/revet Revet the brand
BrandApi updateBrand PUT /brand/{brandId} Update brand properties
CampaignApi deactivateMyCampaign DELETE /campaign/{campaignId} Deactivate my campaign
CampaignApi getMyCampaign GET /campaign/{campaignId} Get my campaign details
CampaignApi getMyCampaignMnoMetadata GET /campaign/{campaignId}/mnoMetadata Get my campaign MNO metadata
CampaignApi getMyCampaignOperationStatus GET /campaign/{campaignId}/operationStatus Get campaign operation status at MNO level
CampaignApi getMyCampaignSharingStatus GET /campaign/{campaignId}/sharing Get my campaign sharing status
CampaignApi getMyOsrCampaignAttributes GET /campaign/{campaignId}/osr/attributes Get my campaign attributes from OSR
CampaignApi listMyCampaigns GET /campaign Search my campaigns
CampaignApi shareMyCampaign PUT /campaign/{campaignId}/sharing/{upstreamCnpId} Share my campaign to an upstream connectivity partner. ** Replaces elect primary DCA for campaign **
CampaignApi updateMyCampaign PUT /campaign/{campaignId} Update my campaign properties
CampaignBuilderApi qualifyAllUsecases GET /campaignBuilder/brand/{brandId} Campaign builder Step 1: Qualify brand for all usecases
CampaignBuilderApi qualifyByUsecase GET /campaignBuilder/brand/{brandId}/usecase/{usecase} Campaign builder Step 1: Qualify brand by usecase
CampaignBuilderApi submitCampaign POST /campaignBuilder Campaign builder Step 2: Create new campaign
EnumTypeApi getAllDcas GET /enum/dca List all DCAs
EnumTypeApi getAllMnos GET /enum/mno List all MNOs
EnumTypeApi getAllOptionalAttributeNames GET /enum/optionalAttributeNames List all brand optional attribute names
EnumTypeApi getAllUsecases GET /enum/usecase List all use-cases
EnumTypeApi getAllVerticals GET /enum/vertical List all verticals
EnumTypeApi getAltBusinessIdType GET /enum/altBusinessIdType Get Alternative Business ID types
EnumTypeApi getBrandIdentityStatus GET /enum/brandIdentityStatus Get brand identity statuses
EnumTypeApi getBrandRelationship GET /enum/brandRelationship Get Brand Relationship types
EnumTypeApi getCampaignStatusType GET /enum/campaignStatus Get Campaign status types
EnumTypeApi getEntityType GET /enum/entityType Get Entity types
EnumTypeApi getVettingProviders GET /enum/extVettingProvider Get External vetting providers
EnumTypeApi getVettingStatusTypes GET /enum/vettingStatus Get Vetting status types
EnumTypeApi listBrandStatus GET /enum/brandStatus List brand statuses
EnumTypeApi listConnectivityPartners GET /enum/cnp List connectivity partners
EnumTypeApi listMnoOperationStatus GET /enum/operationStatus List all MNO campaign operation statuses
EnumTypeApi listPublicCompany GET /enum/approvedPublicCompany List all TCR approved public companies for use as a Brand
EnumTypeApi listStockExchanges GET /enum/stockExchange List all stock exchanges
EnumTypeApi listVettingClass GET /enum/vettingClass List all vetting classes
ErrorCodeApi listErrorCodes GET /error List all error codes
MockCVTokenApi createMockCvToken POST /brand/{brandId}/externalVetting/mockCvToken Generate mock CV token for Non-production environments
PartnerCampaignApi declineSharedPartnerCampaign DELETE /partnerCampaign/{campaignId}/sharing Decline partner campaign sharing request
PartnerCampaignApi getPartnerCampaign GET /partnerCampaign/{campaignId} Get partner shared campaign details
PartnerCampaignApi getPartnerCampaignMnoMetadata GET /partnerCampaign/{campaignId}/mnoMetadata Get partner campaign MNO metadata
PartnerCampaignApi getPartnerCampaignOperationStatus GET /partnerCampaign/{campaignId}/operationStatus Get partner campaign operation status at MNO level
PartnerCampaignApi getPartnerCampaignSharingStatus GET /partnerCampaign/{campaignId}/sharing Get partner campaign sharing status
PartnerCampaignApi getPartnerCampaignsByDownstreamCNP GET /partnerCampaign/sharedWithMe Search partner shared campaigns filtered by downstream connectivity partner
PartnerCampaignApi getPartnerCampaignsByUpstreamCNP GET /partnerCampaign/sharedByMe Search partner shared campaigns filtered by upstream connectivity partner
PartnerCampaignApi sharePartnerCampaign PUT /partnerCampaign/{campaignId}/sharing/{upstreamCnpId} Share partner campaign with an upstream connectivity partner
PlatformApi getProfile GET /csp/profile Get current profile
PlatformApi getVersion GET /version Software version
PlatformFreeTrialApi getPftBrand GET /pft/brand Get my Platform Free Trial brand
PlatformFreeTrialApi insertPlatformFreeTrialParticipant POST /pft/participant Report new platform free trial account provisioning event
ResellerApi createReseller POST /reseller Create a new reseller
ResellerApi deleteReseller DELETE /reseller/{resellerId} Delete reseller
ResellerApi getReseller GET /reseller/{resellerId} Get reseller details
ResellerApi listResellers GET /reseller Search resellers
ResellerApi updateReseller PUT /reseller/{resellerId} Update reseller
SearchableKeywordTagApi deleteTag DELETE /tag/name/{name}/recordType/{recordType}/recordId/{recordId} Delete a tag attached to a brand or campaign
SearchableKeywordTagApi search GET /tag Search existing tags
SearchableKeywordTagApi setTag PUT /tag Set a tag on a brand or campaign
WebhookApi listEventCategories GET /webhook/eventCategory List all event categories
WebhookApi listEventTypes GET /webhook/eventType List all event types
WebhookApi listWebhook GET /webhook/subscription List all webhook subscriptions
WebhookApi subscribeWebhook PUT /webhook/subscription Subscribe API webhook
WebhookApi testWebhook GET /webhook/subscription/{eventCategory}/test Test webhook by event (Deprecated)
WebhookApi testWebhook1 GET /webhook/subscription/eventType/{eventType}/mock Send a mock webhook to your endpoint
WebhookApi unsubscribeWebhook DELETE /webhook/subscription/{eventCategory} Unsubscribe webhook by event category

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


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