Extension for Inkscape to convert an 8-Bit BW picture to gcode for laser plotter. Plotter used is a 15Watt grbl 1.1 laser.
Copy all files into the Inkscape extension folder. Under Ubuntu for example ~/.config/inkscape/extensions
Tested with 15W China Laser, grbl 1.1, arduino nano
- Create 8-Bit BW PNG picture file
- Import into Inkscape
- Extension -> Inkraster2Gcode
- Set params
- Create PNG preview and gcode file
Needs: png.py
Operation; The orig PNG file is transformed by inkscape to wanted size and then read back by png.py into workking matrix. Matrix X-row is laser scan- and burnline The gcode file uses a general speed set and varies the burn intensity by {S} param. This is needed because when using M4 and M5 the movement is shattering due the acceleration and deceleration from burn px to burn px.
Example video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4qWsX7bx_hE
Laser settings i used: $0 = 10 (Step pulse time, microseconds) $1 = 25 (Step idle delay, milliseconds) $2 = 0 (Step pulse invert, mask) $3 = 0 (Step direction invert, mask) $4 = 0 (Invert step enable pin, boolean) $5 = 0 (Invert limit pins, boolean) $6 = 0 (Invert probe pin, boolean) $10 = 1 (Status report options, mask) $11 = 0.010 (Junction deviation, millimeters) $12 = 0.002 (Arc tolerance, millimeters) $13 = 0 (Report in inches, boolean) $20 = 0 (Soft limits enable, boolean) $21 = 0 (Hard limits enable, boolean) $22 = 0 (Homing cycle enable, boolean) $23 = 0 (Homing direction invert, mask) $24 = 25.000 (Homing locate feed rate, mm/min) $25 = 500.000 (Homing search seek rate, mm/min) $26 = 250 (Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds) $27 = 1.000 (Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters) $30 = 1000 (Maximum spindle speed, RPM) $31 = 0 (Minimum spindle speed, RPM) $32 = 1 (Laser-mode enable, boolean) $100 = 80.000 (X-axis travel resolution, step/mm) $101 = 80.000 (Y-axis travel resolution, step/mm) $102 = 250.000 (Z-axis travel resolution, step/mm) $110 = 2000.000 (X-axis maximum rate, mm/min) $111 = 2000.000 (Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min) $112 = 500.000 (Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min) $120 = 200.000 (X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2) $121 = 200.000 (Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2) $122 = 10.000 (Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2) $130 = 390.000 (X-axis maximum travel, millimeters) $131 = 300.000 (Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters) $132 = 200.000 (Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters)