- Cinemachine
- Timeline
- Cinemachine
- Mixing Camera
- Blend List
- Extensions (Confinner, Collider, Follow Zoom)
- Noise
- Post Processing Stack v2
- Shader Graph
- Post Processing Stack
- Gray Scale Fx
- Edge Detection Fx
- Shader Graph
- Change Properties through C# script
- Write your own node
- Colliders
- Joints
- Ragdoll
- Cloth
- Raycast
- Settings
- Performance
- Build a pendulum
- Make a flag
- Create a magnetic surface
- Gravity on a small planet
- Tilting doll
- Car controlled by impulses and gravity
- Input system (+ Rewired)
- Navmesh
- Player Controller
- Slippery/Ice floor movement
- Cinemachine + Timeline
- Post Processing Stack v2
- Shader graph
- Text Mesh Pro
- Particles (with the standard shader and 2018.1 updates)
- Fog
- Toon shader, Toon FX
- Volumetric Lighting, Area Light, other types of light
- Physics (Joints, Ragdoll, ...)
- Cloth
- Root Motion
- Inverse Kinematics
- Humanoid Rig
- Moveen
- Procedural Animation
- Input system (+ Rewired)
- Navmesh
- Player Controller
Dev Tools
- Pro Builder + Pro Grids
- Editor Scripting
- Editor Graph API
- LinQ + .NET 4.5
- Profiler
- Multithread (Job System)
- Scriptable Render Pipeline
- Light bake + Light probes + Reflectance ball
- Entity component system + Burst compiler + UnityMathematics
- Multiplayer (+ Photon, Unet)
- Machine Learning - Unity ML Agents
- Tessalation
- Deformation Mesh
- Fluid and Cloth Simulation
- VR
- AR