Contributors: hearvox
Donate link:
Tags: social, performance, accessibility
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
GitHub Plugin URI:
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 4.9.9
Stable tag: 0.2
Requires PHP: 5.2.4
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Test your webpages with online page checkers, for performance, accessibility, and social shares.
Check your webpages' performance, accessibility, and shares at:
- Google: Pagespeed Insights
- W3C: Markup Validation
- Twitter: Search
- Facebook: Link Preview
- Facebook: Shares (data)
- WebAIM: WAVE Accessibility Tool
- Toptal: Colorblind Web Page Filter
Check your website's statistics, security, and technologies at:
- SimilarWeb
- Alexa
- Quantcast
- Sucuri
- SSL Labs
- W3Techs
- BuiltWith
Other checking services included: Google's Mobile-Friendly and Structured Data test, the Moz Open Site Explorer, LinkedIn and BuzzSumo sharing stats, Wayback Machine archives, and the Tenon Accessibility Test.
Submit an URL (or use the Search Posts screen) to get links to page and site checking services. Follow the links to begin processing your results.
To install and use the Checkers plugin:
- Upload the
directory and content to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Go to the Setting: Checkers options screen.
The checkers_lists()
function has filters for all the services lists. See the main plugin file for my_checkers_pages()
, an example of how to use these filters.
Checkers is now on GitHub. Pull Requests welcome.
This plugin is internationalized (default: English). Please contribute a translation in your language.
The Polyglots Team maintains a comprehensive Translator’s Handbook. All text strings in this plugin are localized, following the guidelines of the Plugin Handbook's Internationalization section.
Another Storytelling Tool from the Reynolds Journalism Institute.
- Adds filters.
- Combine list functions.
- Beta version.
Public release version is 0.1.1.