This project is a demo of SAML authentication using the SimpleSAMLphp library. It is customised to work on Ironstar hosting, and in a Lando local environment.
For running on a different host, you will need to configure the vendor/simplesamlphp folder to make it publicly accessible. This will require changes to the nginx/apache configuration, and you may need to adjust the root folder in the response URL.
Your Azure admin requires the following information:
- Entity ID - Best practice is to use the domain.
- Response URL - This is of the format
Change the domain, leave the rest of the path as is.
The Azure admin will need to supply you with the following:
- Azure tenant ID. This is a UUID that identifies the Azure account.
- X509 Certificate public key. This is used to sign the SAML request.
Update the environment variables. The same variables must be set on the Ironstar environment.
- SAML_AZURE_TENANT_ID - as supplied by the Azure admin.
- SAML_X509_CERTIFICATE - as supplied by the Azure admin.
- SIMPLESAMLPHP_CONFIG_DIR - the absolute path to the saml folder in this project.
- SAML_CERT_STORAGE_PATH - choose a path where you can generate public and private keys in.
Request SAML_AZURE_TENANT_ID and SAML_X509_CERTIFICATE from the Azure admin responsible for configuring SSO.
Library that executes the SAML request. The most up-to-date version of this library may be downloaded from
Customised files and required changes:
- ./saml/config/authsources.php - Change the entityID value to your own domain, same as you supplied to the Azure admin.
- ./saml/config/config.php - This file was copied from the template config, then customisations were added to the bottom of the file. Inspect these and change as required. Take special note of references to the web root path.
- ./saml/metadata-config/saml20-idp-remote.php - No changes necessary, but don't overwrite it. If you need to change anything, it'll most likely be one of the assignments at the top of the file.
Navigate to the path you specified at SAML_CERT_STORAGE_PATH in .lando.local.yml.
Per documentation at,
run the following command to generate keys:
openssl req -newkey rsa:3072 -new -x509 -days 3652 -nodes -out saml.crt -keyout saml.pem
Configures vendor/simplesamlphp folder on Ironstar hosting to permit php methods to be run.
This should just work, but if you have any problems, check that the absolute path to the saml folder is correct.
Configures vendor/simplesamlphp and saml folders, and permits testing via Lando.
Note: when I first set this up, I couldn't see a way to configure just the location directive (per the Ironstar config)
so copied the entire nginx config file and add the location directive to the end of it. Keep this in mind if you
update the lando configuration; you may need to replace the file and re-append the location directive.
Enable and configure simplesamlphp_auth and external_auth modules.
Your microsoft account username and email address must be correctly mapped to Drupal user fields, and incoming fields
might be different across different Azure setups. There may also be additional custom fields that you can map.
Test and troubleshoot the data coming in from Azure after you've successfully logged in and configure saml settings via the Drupal admin UI.
Tip: place a sneaky die(print_r($response))
near the bottom of vendor/simplesamlphp/public/module.php to see the user info in the SAML response.
You can test locally by running Lando using the live domain.
Update lando.local.yml to add the domain as a valid URL, and add the domain to /etc/hosts.
Microsoft error:
Your administrator has configured the application {{name}} to block users
unless they are specifically granted ('assigned') access to the application
Your Microsoft account permissions will need access to the Azure SSO app before you can test.
If you get an error such as the following, contact the Azure admin to grant access to your account.
Microsoft error:
Application with identifier '(domain)' was not found in the directory '(app)'. This can happen if the application
has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant.
You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.
Check that your Entity ID (ie, your domain) matches exactly what your Azure person set up.
403 error on being redirected to the app:
Check that your nginx (or apache) configuration is correct. The vendor/simplesamlphp/public folder must be publicly accessible.
Random exceptions thrown by simplesamlphp:
You might need to trace through, but first check you're using and setting the correct X509 certificate.
Login succeeds, but you immediately get logged out:
On page /admin/config/people/simplesamlphp_auth/sync - Tick "Automatically enable SAML authentication for existing users upon successful login".
If you only have a subset of users that should be able to sign in using SAML, each individual user can be configured by
editing their user profile and ticking "Enable this user to leverage SAML authentication".