A complete open-source social publishing platform web application.
The Techgoda is a social publishing platform Nuxt app. Built with Publiz - an open meta-schema driven content management platform.
- Technology news website
- Discussion forums
- Developer social network news feed, story
- Story content builder
- Jobs listing for organization
- Multi-tenancy website for organization
- Optimized Google Cloud Storage images served by Google App Engine
The working website was built using:
- Nuxt as the Vue framework
- Tailwind for CSS styling
- Publiz for the content service
- Nuxt Multi tenancy for multi tenancy support
- Tiptap for the WYSIWYG editor
- Google Cloud Storage for file storage
- vuefire for authentication
- Vercel for deployment
- Bun for development
- FabricJS for story content builder
Clone it for local development:
$ git clone https://github.com/hieuhani/techgoda.git
$ cd techgoda
$ bun install
$ bun run dev
- Open an issue if you believe you've encountered a bug with this project.
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The MIT License.