It has been a fun while, but this was my first API, the codebase is horrible and the API went down constantly, so it will be archived. Consider using AppleDB to query bypasses.
Current API:
A simple API intended for looking up bypass + app combinations. It currently has two public endpoints:
GET /app
: List all apps known to have jailbreak detection
"status": "Successful",
"data": [
"8 Ball Pool",
"AASTOCKS M+ Mobile",
"Abamobi com",
"ABC News",
"ADIB Mobile Banking App",
"AFL Live Official App",
"AIB Mobile",
"ALEXBANK Mobile Banking",
GET /bypass
: List all known bypass tweaks.
"status": "Successful",
"data": {
"A-Bypass": {
"guide": "",
"repository": {
"uri": ""
"AppStore++": {
"notes": "Downgrade the app to the specified version.",
"repository": {
"uri": ""
"Axis Bank Patch": {
"repository": {
"uri": ""
GET /app?search=<app name>
: Lookup the app with the keyword <app name>
Request: /app?search=balls
"status": "Successful",
"data": [
"name": "8 Ball Pool",
"uri": "",
"bypasses": [
"name": "Liberty Lite (Beta)",
"guide": "",
"repository": {
POST /gh-webhook
Requires the API to be set up as a systemd service, see below
As the name implies, this is where the GitHub webhook goes. When an appropriate POST
request is sent, the database is refreshed.
To prevent anyone from willy-nilly sending a POST request and refreshing the database, this endpoint is only active if the environment variable GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET
is set.
Quickly set up a local dev server for testing changes:
# *nix
python -m venv env/ && source env/bin/activate
pip install -r openapi/requirements.txt
python3 openapi/
# Windows
python -m venv env/ && env\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # powershell
pip install -r openapi/requirements.txt
python3 openapi/
# If Flask is complaining, try restarting the Host Networking Service
net stop hns && net start hns
Here's how
was set up, but depending on your webserver and stuff you can do it differently.
The API uses uWSGI, so you should install that:
pip install uwsgi
Then, create a file called app.ini
module = api:app
master = true
processes = 5
socket = api.sock
chmod-socket = 660
vacuum = true
die-on-term = true
Create a systemd service (change /var/www/hekatosapi
to where you put the API):
Description='An API for querying jailbreak bypasses'
Environment=GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET=<This is for webhooking>
ExecStart=/var/www/hekatosapi/env/bin/uwsgi --ini api.ini
Allow the user running the API to restart the service without a password by creating /etc/sudoers.d/auto-deploy
(important for auto-deploy):
Cmnd_Alias MYAPP_CMNDS = /bin/systemctl start jbdetectapi, /bin/systemctl stop jbdetectapi, /bin/systemctl restart jbdetectapi
Start and enable the service, then configure nginx:
server {
location /api/v1 {
rewrite ^/api/v1/(.*) /$1 break;
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:/var/www/hekatosapi/api.sock;
and that's about it!