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Benjamin Klum edited this page Oct 26, 2024 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the Helgobox Wiki!

The idea of this Wiki is a work-in-progress knowledge base for everything related to Playtime and ReaLearn: Quick start, basics, tutorials, interesting links …​ everything that helps new users to get started and existing users to gain more know-how.

Choose product

Which product do you want to learn more about?

  • ReaLearn (the controller integration tool)

  • Playtime (the clip launcher and session view)

In order to search the Wiki, use the convenient Wiki Search on the ReaLearn website!

Alternatively, you can use the GitHub search, but it’s a bit more involved:

  1. Click the search field on the very top

  2. Enter your search text (right after repo:helgoboss/helgobox, which you shouldn’t delete!)

  3. Press Enter

  4. Choose "Wikis" on the left side


A part of the Wiki is not about user-facing documentation, but about the internals of Helgobox.

You can participate!

This Wiki is an attempt to improve the quality of the Helgobox documentation by letting the community take part in its creation. Feel free to improve existing pages or create new ones, for example tutorials! Please read Contribute to learn how.

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