This is a website for the digitized Pūkauae photographic exhibition: Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki 30 Years of Liberation Work.
Tū Tama Wāhine o Taranaki is a Kaupapa Maori development and liberation organisation that is wāhine led and is about whānau revitalisation and decolonisation.
The organisation celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2019 and to mark this milestone, an exhibition was held at Puke Ariki presenting Taranaki wāhine moko kauae as shot by Taranaki Grandmaster of Photography Tania Niwa.
The exhibition captured personal symbols of cultural resistance whilst celebrating the recovery of the art of Pūkauae as a ritual for indigenous healing and regeneration.
This website is a documentation of that whakapapa.
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