This is a simple circuit to drive an 4-Pin PWM Fan using an ATtiny 45. With an Arduino Uno the first code was running after 30 minutes, but I would like to use a very small circuit in my gaming PC, so I tried to adopt it to some left over ATTinys. It was not as easy as I thought, because fast PWM on ATtiny needs special setup of some registers. The best description I found was on this website, which sets the PWM to 32 kHz, with 8Mhz F_CPU and no CKLDIV, which is a little bit higher than 25 kHz needed for the PWM of the Fan, but it worked with full duty cycle.
The second challenge was that Arduiono analogread() did not work on the ATtiny at all. I found an alternative way on the following page:
The NTC conversion/correction to °C from 10bit ADC output was generated with this page:
The circuit and code should be self explanatory.
Example screenshots of changing pulse width on NTC with different temperatures and the frequency of about 32kHz.