Book Cafe is a book exchange platform that allows book lovers to share books. Users are able to signup, and login. Once logged in, a user can view, upload, edit, delete and offer books for exchange with other users.
- Create account
- Login/Logout
- Manage books
- Exchange books -> based on Genre/Topics
- List of books for exchange
Frontend Design (Figma) Access the UI design here on Figma
Here is the API documentation
GET /books returns a list of all books GET /books/:id return a book with corresponding id
if book does not exist, it returns:
{"error": `["Book not found"]`}
POST /books creates a new book and returns the book created as JSON
if wrong parameters are password, it returns:
{"errors": ["Invalid errors"]}
PATCH /books/:id updates and returns a book with corresponding id
if book does not exist, it returns:
{"error": "Book not found"} DELETE /books/:id deletes a book with corresponding id
if book does not exist, it returns:
{"error": "Book not found"}
GET /users returns a list of all users POST /signup creates a new user and returns the book created as JSON
it also creates a new session for the user
if wrong parameters are password, it returns:
{"errors": ["Invalid errors"]}
POST /me checks if a user is logged in and returns the book created as JSON if so
if user not logged in, it returns:
{"errors": ["unauthorized"]}
PATCH /users/:id updates and returns a user with corresponding id
if book does not exist, it returns:
{"error": "User not found"}
DELETE /users/:id deletes a user with corresponding id along with all the associated records i.e books and reviews and ratings
if user does not exist, it returns:
{"error": "User not found"}
GET /book_exchanges returns a list of all books exchanged GET /book_exchanges/:user_id returns a list of all books exchanges by the user whose id is provided POST /book_exchanges creates a new exchange and returns the exchange information as JSON
if wrong parameters are password, it returns:
{"errors": ["Invalid errors"]}
PATCH /book_exchanges/:id updates the exchange status and returns a exchange with corresponding id
if book does not exist, it returns:
{"error": "Exchange not found"}
DELETE /book_exchanges/:id terminates a pending exchange with corresponding id
if user does not exist, it returns:
{"error": "User not found"}
- ReactJS
- Material UI
- Ruby on Rails
- Postgresql