- Create Your own Xcode project.**
- In the project directory, create a file: module.modulemap with a .dist extension.**
- To do this, you can create an empty file using Xcode.**
module GoogleAnalytics
header "GAI.h"
header "GAIDictionaryBuilder.h"
header "GAIEcommerceFields.h"
header "GAIEcommerceProduct.h"
header "GAIEcommerceProductAction.h"
header "GAIEcommercePromotion.h"
header "GAIFields.h"
header "GAILogger.h"
header "GAITrackedViewController.h"
header "GAITracker.h"
export \*
- The HibridPlayerIOS SDK is available through CocoaPods. Initialize the podfile and add the code to your Podfile from the example below. After adding, run pod install.
platform :ios, '13.0'
target 'YourTargetName' do
pod 'HibridPlayerIOS'
post\_install do |installer|
system("echo '/\* START post install scripts \*/'")
system("cp module.modulemap.dist
Pods/Headers/Public/GoogleAnalytics/module.modulemap && echo '- Fixed import of
GoogleAnalytics module'")
system("echo '/\* END post install scripts \*/'")
- Create your UIView.
- Add for view our class “HibridPlayerView” and add our module “HibridStreamPlayer”.
- Import SDK "Import HibridStreamPlayer”
- Drag outlet to ViewController.
- Add functions: playHibridPlayer() and invalidateHibridPlayer().
- Add incoming access keys to AppDelegate and you're done. Launch the project on a mobile device.
Hibrid Player iOS