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An Electron rewrite of CameraMouse app (


Includes a server (Electron app) and a client (a python app). The server controls the UI and mouse movements whereas the client does video processing. When started, the app starts a server on port 3000. It then starts a subprocess (using node's child_process.exec method) which contains the client. The client then sends commands to the server to control the mouse.

Depending on the environment (dev or prod), the subprocess could execute a script to run the client's python code or executable file (built with pyinstaller).

App architecture

See app architecture here

Install and run


  1. Install js packages. run the command below in the root folder

    npm install

  2. install python packages cd into src/pyTracker

    a. create venv environment

     python3 -m venv .venv

    b. activate environment.

    for mac/linux

    source .venv/bin/activate

    for windows


    c. install python packages into virtual environment

    The current frozen package versions were installed and worked on a Python 3.8 virtual environment. If you are using a Python version other than 3.8 and are experiencing dependency conflicts, remove the specific versions of the following packages from 'requirements.txt': protobuf, dlib, tensorboard, tensorboard-data-server, tensorboard-estimator, keras, google-auth-oauthlib. Then run the following command.

     pip install -r requirements.txt

    Note: On windows, install tensorflow instead of tensorflow-macos

  3. Run project in root folder, run

     npm run start
  4. Note that in dev mode, you may continue to see "tracker initializing" message even after tracker is initialized. Ignore the message and press Enter (with the Electron app in focus) to begin moving your mouse with head movements.


a. Build python exe file with pyinstaller. First, cd into src/pyTracker, activate virtual environment and run

pyinstaller main.spec

b. Build electron app.

Set runPythonExeInDevMode to false in src/config/config.ts before building electron app.

npm run make


After modifying python code and building a new executable, you might want to make the sure the new executable works as intended. To ensure the built python executable works fine, modify electron code to start the python executable instead of running python code. To do this, set line 6 in src/config/config.js to

const runPythonExeInDevMode = true;


Cameramouse app requires accessibility permissions to actually move mouse. On Mac, go to System Preferences -> Privacy and Security -> Privacy -> Accessibility and check the box next to CameraMouse. If you are in development mode, you will most likely see your IDE instead.


To create a release,

  1. Create a tag attached to a commit id. Make sure to check previous release tags to decide what the next tag should be. You can use "git log" to find the id of the commit you are attaching to the tag.

    git tag v1.0.0 1234567

where v1.0.0 is an example tag and 1234567 is an example commit id

  1. Push that tag

    git push origin v1.0.0