Quokka config/deploy files repo
This repo contains my various attempts to configure and deploy a quokka docker container based on Chuck Black's https://github.com/chuckablack/quokka/wiki/Quokka-VM-Installed-Software
docker and docker-compose need to be installed on your system
- Change directories to where you cloned the repo cd ./q0.7
- Use docker-compose to build the image from the docker-compose.yml and ubuntu.Dockerfile.0.7 files (they also use other scripts/files within the other directories) docker-compose build
When the build process completes (assuming no errors) you can run the container using either:
- Actively monitor the console log while running docker-compose up
- Have it run as a daemon, in order to see logs, you need to use "docker logs " docker logs q07_quokka-server_1
In order to access the container, there is a script "qsh.sh" that just issues the docker command below docker exec -it q07_quokka-server_1 bash
You can use the browser on your local system to access the UI on http://localhost:3000 If there are errors in the quokka flask app, you can see them by browsing to http://localhost:5000