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Data model

MariusDanner edited this page Mar 25, 2020 · 2 revisions


attribute explanation
package The package where the algorithm is located e.g. bnlearn
function The specific function from the package
script_filename file to execute
docker_image name of docker image
description describes the algorithm
needs_gpu True, if it is a gpu enabled algorithm
valid_parameters parameters to choose for the experiments
docker_parameters parameters for the docker image


attribute description
name of the dataset
description of the dataset
load_query SQL query that produces the observation matrix
data_source database where it is stored
time_created creation time
content_hash hash of the dataset, is used to detect changes

Edge Information

attribute description
annotation can be approved, declined or missing
from_node_id start node
result_id associated result
to_node_id end node


attribute description
result_id associated result (can be null for uploaded ground truth graphs)
from_node_id start node
to_node_id end node
weight weight
is_ground_truth true if this edge exists in the real world


attribute description
dataset_id associated dataset
name name
algorithm_id algorithm to execute
description description
parameters algorithm parameters
last_job (computed) the last job object
execution_time_statistics min, max, mean, median, lower_quantile, upper_quantile of the job execution times


attribute description
experiment_id associated experiment
start_time time of job start
container_id which pos executed the job
node_hostname which cluster node it was executed on
status waiting, running, done, error, cancelled or hidden
log The output of the algorithm
parallel If true, can be executed with other jobs running. If false, no other job can be running in the whole environment
enforce_cpus Enforce core requirements. Local development with minikube cannot offer enough resources so set it to false
gpus the number of needed gpus, only needed for gpu experiments


attribute description
name node name
dataset_id associated dataset


attribute description
job_id associated job
start_time start time of job
end_time finish time of job
execution_time actual execution time
dataset_loading_time time needed to transfer the dataset
meta_results meta results


attribute description
result_id associated result
from_node_id start node
to_node_id end node
statistic statistic of the seperation set
level size of the seperation set