Exploring the neurons and connections of the Drosophila optic lobe.
Code to accompany two visual system papers in the FlyWire paper package.
- Matsliah, Yu, et al., Neuronal parts list and wiring diagram for a visual system, Nature 634:166-180 (2024).
- Seung, Predicting visual function by interpreting a neuronal wiring diagram, Nature 634:113-123 (2024).
Version 783 of proofreading.
See https://codex.flywire.ai for more information
julia> import Pkg
julia> Pkg.add(url = "https://github.com/hsseung/OpticLobe.jl")
julia> using OpticLobe
You may get "waiting for IO to finish" error messages, which you should be able to ignore.
IDs of five Tm1
julia> first(type2ids("Tm1"), 5)
5-element Vector{Int64}:
Top ten target cells of 720575940599333574
, with number of synapses.
julia> first(sort(W[Name(720575940599333574), :], rev=true), 10)
10-element Named SparseArrays.SparseVector{Int32, Int32}
cellid │
720575940620875399 │ 57
720575940629884688 │ 39
720575940616048757 │ 38
720575940615102003 │ 29
720575940611830245 │ 27
720575940622106996 │ 27
720575940619661648 │ 25
720575940629129692 │ 22
720575940639008319 │ 21
720575940626667928 │ 20
Cell type of 720575940620875399
(top cell in the list above).
julia> ind2type[id2ind(720575940620875399)]
Top ten target cell types of 720575940599333574
, with number of synapses.
julia> first(sort(Wct[Name(720575940599333574), :], rev=true), 10)
10-element Named SparseArrays.SparseVector{Int32, Int32}
celltype │
Pm03 │ 131
Pm08 │ 86
Pm02 │ 72
Pm05 │ 57
T2a │ 41
LMa5 │ 29
T5a │ 29
T3 │ 26
Tm21 │ 26
Tm4 │ 22
Number of synapses from cell type Tm1
to cell type TmY4
julia> Wtt["Tm1", "TmY4"]
Top ten intrinsic cell types targeted by cell type Tm1
julia> first(sort(Wtt["Tm1", intrinsictypes], rev=true), 10)
10-element Named SparseArrays.SparseVector{Int32, Int32}
celltype │
Pm03 │ 78694
Pm02 │ 70095
Pm08 │ 49431
T3 │ 35806
T2a │ 35162
Pm05 │ 29965
Tm21 │ 21059
Y3 │ 20896
LMa5 │ 17871
Pm06 │ 17143
ind2id id2ind
intrinsictypes boundarytypes centraltypes visualtypes alltypes ind2type
W A Ai
Wtt Wct Wtc infraction outfraction inmean outmean
class2families family2types
toppre toppost
showall, strings2ticks, type2ids, convert2arrows
Building the package downloads data files from the FlyWire Codex, and processes the data to create some useful global variables.