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Next.js based dashboard that integrates the data visualization widgets

Development Notes

  • Mantis MUI Template: This project utilizes the Mantis MUI template (v2.0.0). You can find more information about the template in its Documentation.

  • API Documentation: Explore the API documentation in the file for details on available endpoints and functionality.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Pre Requisites needed to run and build the project

Package Manager - npm or yarn

Quick Start


Clone the repo:

git clone

Navigate into the cloned directory (i.e. torchlite-frontend):

cd torchlite-frontend

Install the dependencies:

npm install
# or


Start the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:8081 with your browser to see the result.

Project Overview

Folder Structure

├── package.json           -> Package json file.
├── public
├── src
│   ├── components         -> components used in pages
│   │   ├── widgets
│   │   ├── card
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── contexts           -> State context for Dashboard and Config
│   ├── hooks              -> Custom hooks
│   ├── layout
│   │   ├── MainLayout     -> Layout for main components & routers
│   ├── menu-items         -> menu items for each main menu
│   ├── pages              -> next js pages
│   ├── store              -> Redux actions, reducers (from template)
│   ├── themes             -> Contains application style and theme
│   ├── types              -> common types for Typescript
│   ├── utils              -> utilities
├── config.js              -> Project constant value and live customization  

State Management

Context API

Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level.

We are using context for DashboardState and Config.


This project uses Redux. React Redux is the official React binding for Redux. It lets your React components read data from a Redux store, and dispatch actions to the store to update data.

We are using redux for storing menu state.

How to

Create a new widget

Map widget and Timeline widget Component are under src/components/widget/ directory.

You can create a new widget component under src/components/widget/ and import it in src/components/widget/index.tsx and render depending on widgetType.

Here is an example to create WorldMap component that will render a map based on world-110m map from the topojson-worldatlas.

// src/components/widgets/WorldMap/index.tsx
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"
import { geoEqualEarth, geoPath } from "d3-geo"
import { feature } from "topojson-client"

const projection = geoEqualEarth()

const WorldMap = () => {
  const [geographies, setGeographies] = useState([])

  useEffect(() => {
      .then(response => {
        if (response.status !== 200) {
          console.log(`There was a problem: ${response.status}`)
        response.json().then(worlddata => {
          setGeographies(feature(worlddata, worlddata.objects.countries).features)
  }, [])

  return (
    <svg width={ 800 } height={ 450 } viewBox="0 0 800 450">
      <g className="countries">
,i) => (
              key={ `path-${ i }` }
              d={ geoPath().projection(projection)(d) }
              fill={ `rgba(38,50,56,${ 1 / geographies.length * i})` }
              strokeWidth={ 0.5 }

export default WorldMap
// src/components/widgets/index.tsx

// ...
import WorldMap from "./WorldMap"

// Import the component in the return 

  return (
        padding: theme.spacing(4),
        display: 'flex',
        flexDirection: 'column',
        alignItems: 'center',
        position: 'relative'
      <WidgetTitle widgetType={widgetType} isDetailsPage={isDetailsPage} />
      {loading ? (
        <CircularProgress sx={{ my: 3 }} color="primary" />
      ) : (
          {/* Other widgets */}
          {widgetType === WidgetType.WorldMap && (
            <WorldMap />

// ...
export default Page
// src/pages/dashboard/index.tsx
import React from "react"

// Import the component in the return, if widget.type === 'WordMap', it will render the WorldMap widget

  <Widget dashboardState={dashboardState} widgetType={widget.type} />

// ...
export default Page

Modify a widget

You can modify the component under src/components/widgets/ folder.

Manage user sessions

This project uses next-auth library to handle user sessions. You can use useSession() hook to get authenticated state and current session.

Change styles, colors, fonts, etc

Default configurations are defined in src/config.ts and you can change styles and colors by updating themes in src/themes/palette.ts and src/themes/theme.

Here is the template documentation how to customize it.