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GitLab Merge Tool


GitLab Merge Tool (glmt) is CLI tool for making merge requests in GitLab. It's designed to be easy to use but still flexible to cover many use cases for different teams.


  • Creating MR form command line
  • MR title and description with support of templates
  • Team mentioning
  • Slack and telegram notifications
  • View list of MR's waiting for your approval (coming soon)


Want to crate Merge Request from command line? Just run glmt create from your project's directory. GLMT will create MR from current git brunch to specified branch.


If you have GO installed run:

go get



  glmt [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create merge request
  help        Help about any command

  -c, --config string   path to config
  -y, --dryrun          dry run true only shows request to gitlab, but do not sends them
  -h, --help            help for glmt
  -a, --host string     gitlab host
  -l, --log string      log level (default "info")
  -k, --token string    gitlab API token
  --no_hooks bool       do not run hooks

Use "glmt [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Create command:

  glmt create [flags]

  -d, --description string            Merge Request's description (template variables can be used in description)
  -h, --help                          help for create
  -n, --notification_message string   Additional notification message
  -b, --target string                 Merge Request's target branch (default "master")
  -t, --title string                  Merge Request's title (template variables can be used in title)


If you don't want to specify flags every time you can specify it in config file. By default glmt searches for glmt.config in:

  • On Unix systems, it returns $XDG_CONFIG_HOME if non-empty, else $HOME/.config.
  • On Darwin, in $HOME/Library/Application Support.
  • On Windows, in %AppData%.
  • On Plan 9, in $home/lib.

Or you can specify path to config file with -c flag.

Config example:

  "base": "", // Path (local or url) to base config. All values from base config are overridden by local values
  "gitlab": { // GitLab parameters
    "url": "",
    "token": "XXX" // You can get one on page
  "mr": { // Merge Request parameters
    "branch_regexp": "(?P<TaskType>.*)/(?P<Task>.*)/(?P<BranchDescription>.*)",
    "label_vars": ["TaskType"], // You can add labels to MR by specifying template variable names - label will be it's values.
    "title": "{{.Task}} {{humanizeText .BranchDescription}}", // MR's title, can be template
    "description": "Merge feature {{.Task}} \"{{humanizeText .BranchDescription}}\" into {{.TargetBranchName}}\n{{.GitlabMentions}}", // MR's description, can be template
    "target_branch": "develop",
    "squash": true,
    "remove_source_branch": true
  "notifier": { // Notification parameters
    "slack_web_hook": {
      "enabled": true,
  	  "url": "", // Learn how to get in
      "message": "<!here>\n{{.Description}}\n{{.MergeRequestURL}}" // Message to be posted to slack, can be template
    "telegram": {
      "enabled": true,
      "url": "",
      "api_key": "{{.BOT_TOKEN}}", // Ask @BotFather:
      "message": "{{.Description}}\n{{.MergeRequestURL}}\n{{.NotificationMentions}}", // Message template.
      // Where to send a message.
      // You can get group_id from:
      // Also disable group privacy for the bot:
      "chat_id": "@BotFather"
    "mattermost_web_hook": {
      "enabled": true,
      "url": "",
      "message": "@here\n{{.Description}}\n{{.MergeRequestURL}}"
  "mentioner": {
    "team_file_source": "PATH_TO/glmt-team.config", // Path (can be http url) to team file, see info about "Team file"
    "count": 2 // Number of project members to be mentioned in MR
  // Hooks are commands executed before or after creating MR.
  // All template variables are available as environment variables in hooks in form of GLMT_{Upper case of template variable name}
  "hooks": {
    // Before contains commands that will be executed before MR creation.
    "before": {
      "git up to date": [
        "sh", "-c", "git status | grep 'Your branch is up to date with\\|nothing to commit'"
    // After contains commands that will be executed after MR creation.
    "after": {
      "print mr url": [
        "sh", "-c", "echo MR: $GLMT_MERGEREQUESTURL"
    // Timeout of all commands in the set.
    "timeout": "4s"


Title and Description and other fields can be static string or it can be template. Templates made as In template you can specify predefined variables:

  • ProjectName - project name (path extracted from git remote)
  • BranchName - current branch name
  • Remote - remote for current branch
  • TargetBranchName - target branch name (from config or flag)
  • GitlabMentions - mentions added to MR (uses username from team file, it should be gitlab username), see Mentions
  • Username - gitlab user name

Variables available for notification (previous variables are also available):

  • Title - merge request title
  • Description - merge request description
  • MergeRequestURL - merge request URL
  • NotificationMentions - mentions for notification (uses user names apropriate for this notificator), see Mentions
  • ChangesCount - string with changes count for this MR

Additionally you can use any regexp group name from branch_regexp in description of title templates. If title not specified, current branch name will be used as title. If description not specified template "Merge {{.BranchName }}" into {{.TargetBranchName}}" will be used for description.

Also there is predefined functions for templates:

  • humanizeText - capitalize first character and replaces "-" and "_" with space
  • upper - change letters to upper case
  • lower - change letters to lower case


GLMT can notify your team about created MR. Currently slack (through webhook messages) and telegram notifications are supported. Notification message also support message templating.


GLMT can mention some members of your team in MR and notification message. GLMT will select number of members specified in config file (mentioner.count). If one of member is project owner it will be included in mention list. All other mentioned members will be selected randomly. Only active members are mentioned.

GLMT knows your team members from team file, specified in mentioner.team_file_source.

Team file

Team file has following structure:

  "members": [
      "username": "john",                   // Gitlab's username (without @)
      "owns_projects": ["group/project1"],  // Project's name, owned by John
      "is_active": true,                    // Is John active at current moment (you can set it to false for vacation time)
      "names": {                            // Names for different notification channels
        "slack_member_id": "AABBXX"
      "username": "nick",
      "owns_projects": ["group/project2"],
      "is_active": true,
      "names": {
        "slack_member_id": "CCDDXX"