In this application Showing the latest Indonesian news Using the API from with webview and Use Cubit for design pattern.
- Show the latest Indonesian news
- News search
- News grouping by category
- Save news
|--fonts/ -> Any fonts will we use
|--images -> Offline images like placeholder, etc.
|--config -> Static variable
|--error -> Error handling with dio Interceptors
|--network -> Check internet status (connected or disconnect)
|--observer -> Bloc Observer
|--utils -> Others like custom extension, etc.
|--datasources -> Data sources (remote and local)
|--models -> App models
|--repositories -> To determine where the data is taken from (Local or remote)
|--cubit -> State management
|--pages -> Part of screen
|--screens -> Full view of app
|--widgets -> Reusable widgets
|--injection_container -> Depedency Injection
-test/ -> Unit test
|--fixtures/ -> Data Dummy for unit test