Releases: hvbtup/birt
Reporting 2.1.0
Fixed severe BIRT issue 875.
Reporting 2.1-beta1
Included fix from Claes Rosell for the incompatibility issue with older reports using the CONCATENATE aggregate function.
Reporting 2.1-alpha2
BIRT neu generiert (mit mvn aus der Eclipse-IDE heraus).
Im vorherigen Release gab es aus unerfindlichen Gründen das Problem, dass die CONCATENATE-Funktion alle Parameter ignoriert hat (also insb. auch das konfigurierte Trennzeichen) und die Werte dann einfach direkt hintereinander gehängt hat.
Reporting 2.1-alpha
This is based on the master branch of eclipe/birt as of 2022-01-027, with the T&P modifications to the Word Emitter and SpudSoft Excel Emitter and bug fixes.
It is not yet tested, but at least running a complex PDF report does work.
Meant to be used in Reporting 2.1.
Requires Java 11.
Bugfix for whitespace nowrap
A label report containing items with whitespace: nowrap crashed. This bug is now fixed.
Word Emitter fixes
The DOCX emitter now generates Word 2016 format. This prevents rendering errors with newer Word versions for tables with indented text in the first column.
Furthermore, a bug in the Word emitters (DOCX and WPML) was fixed: Bug 519375: Birt inserts an extra space in DOCX if part of the word is highlighted using an HTML tag.
Edit 2020-08-10: I generated and uploaded the birt-runtime-4.11.0-*.zip once again today, because the file was incomplete. Several classes in were missing. This caused exceptions as soon as the report used a JDBC datasource. Today's file was generated from exactly the same sources.
New release with bugfix for PDF rendering bug after page break.