It's continuous integration for NES homebrew with automagic screenshot updating!
Screenshot updated Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 23:34:52 UTC+00:00.Every time code is checked in to the master
branch, an Azure Pipelines (free tier) workflow is automatically triggered. This workflow compiles the NES ROM from source, screenshots the ROM, updates the screenshot in the README, and posts everything back to GitHub with updated timestamps.
This example also edits the NES source on each run to add a timestamp to the NES screen itself, just to prove out the inner workings.
To try it out yourself, simply fork this repo, set up an Azure Pipeline, and connect the pipeline to your fork. If you want the pipeline and build badge to be publicly visible, make sure to change the default pipeline setting from private to public. Edit azure-pipeline.yml
to change the build steps to suit your own workflow.
xoxox hxlnt (rachel)