Oatuh is very ease-to-use request library for http/https.
used OpenSSL for https. so it will work in OpenSSL available environment.
#include "incs/oatuh.h"
int main(void)
req = oatuh_create();
req->method = "GET";
req->uri = "https://github.com/Yechan0815/oatuh";
req->response->status_code; // "200"
req->response->status; // "OK"
req->response->body; // html body
req->response->length; // body length
oatuh_get_header(req->response->header, "Content-Type"); // text/html; charset=utf-8
return 0;
Support method
Custom headers
Support to upload body type
- raw (plain like text, json, html etc...)
- multipart (support soon)
Cookie (not yet supported)
Proxy (not yet supported)
below is the presence or absence of body according to method.
Method | Support | Request Body | Response Body |
GET | ✓ | X | O |
POST | ✓ | O | O |
PUT | ✓ | O | O |
PATCH | ✓ | O | O |
DELETE | ✓ | X | O |
HEAD | ✓ | X | X |
OPTIONS | ✓ | X | X |
If X, ignore even if the body can be written/read when sending/receiving. For example, if the method is GET, even if the body is allocated, it is not sent.
This is an example of GET, POST method.
#include "incs/oatuh.h"
int main(void)
req = oatuh_create();
req->method = "GET";
req->uri = "uri";
oatuh_set_header(&req->header, "Custom-Header-Key", "Custom-Header-Value");
return 0;
#include "incs/oatuh.h"
int main(void)
char *body = "{\"uid\": 12, \"name\": \"oatuh\"}";
req = oatuh_create();
req->method = "POST";
req->uri = "uri";
req->body = oatuh_create_raw_body(body, strlen(body));
oatuh_set_header(&req->header, "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
return 0;
REQUEST *oatuh_create ()
create an initialized oatuh REQEUST block.
return REQUEST block pointer.
void oatuh_destroy (REQUEST *req)
destroy an oatuh REQEUST block.
frees all resources used by oatuh. if the body has not been freed, the body will also be freed.
int oatuh_get_header_size (MAP_CHILD *header)
MAP_CHILD *header
is the target header to get the size.
return the size of header
char *oatuh_get_header(MAP_CHILD *header, char *key)
MAP_CHILD *header
is the target header to search the key.
char *key
is the key to search for in the header list.
returns a value based on the key. Returns NULL if the key does not exist.
void oatuh_set_header(MAP_CHILD **header, char *key, char *value)
MAP_CHILD **header
is a pointer to the *header to be set.
char *key
is the key.
char *value
is the value according to key.
void *oatuh_create_raw_body(char *raw, int length)
create body of raw type like text, json, html.
char *raw
is body.
int length
is length of body.
return the body pointer.
void oatuh_destroy_raw_body(BODY_RAW *body)
destroy the raw body. frees the body resources.
even if you don't use function oatuh_destroy_raw_body ()
, it will be deallocated in oatuh_destroy ()
BODY_RAW *body
is the body pointer.
void oatuh_destroy_body(void *body)
destroy any type of body.
void *body
is the body pointer.
int oatuh(REQUEST *req)
Parsing all data to be used except body and request.
return NO_ERROR on success, error mecro like INVALID_METHOD on error.
oatuh returns NO ERROR on success and the error code below on failure.
NO_ERROR: no error.
MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAIL: memory allocation fail.
INVALID_METHOD: method other than `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `PATCH`, `DELETE`, `HEAD`, or `OPTIONS` is entered
INVALID_HOST: can't get ip address from domain.
CONNECTION_FAIL: socket connection fail.
HANDSHAKE_FAIL: ssl handshake error.
SSL_CTX_CREATE_FAIL: ssl ctx allocation fail.