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Christopher Arndt edited this page Mar 17, 2018 · 6 revisions

! WARNING : the content of this page may be out of date (it will be updated soon) !

Upgrade after 0.9.6-beta2

Between 0.9.6-beta2 and 0.9.6-beta3, a significant change was made in the format of the drumkits. Warnings:

  • there is no upgrade path for the drumkits downloaded in the oldest version to the newest version.
  • in the newest version, the drumkits available for download from the official server, still correspond to the older format.

See and for discussion and more details.

The newest format can be found within the source code at data/xsd/drumkit.xsd.

Drumkit File Format

The .h2drumkit files are tarballs (gzip compressed tar files) with a directory structure like this:

  |-- 11385_atomwrath_KD-BD.flac
  |-- 13243_ianhall_chinese_cymbal.flac
  |-- 13244_ianhall_crash.flac
  |-- 13245_ianhall_floor_tom.flac
  |-- 13246_ianhall_hihat_closed.flac
  |-- 13247_ianhall_hihat_open.flac
  |-- 13248_ianhall_hihat_slushy.flac
  |-- 13249_ianhall_rack_tom.flac
  |-- 13250_ianhall_ride.flac
  |-- 13251_ianhall_snare_rim_shot.flac
  |-- 13252_ianhall_snare_side_stick.flac
  |-- 13253_ianhall_snare.flac
  |-- 13254_ianhall_splash.flac
  `-- drumkit.xml

Example: You have a folder called "drumkit_name" which holds all your files. Now type tar -czvf drumkit_name.h2drumkit drumkit_name/ to convert your folder into a hydrogen drumkit file.

drumkit.xml Format

drumkit.xml Example

    <author>Some Guy</author>
    <info>Textual information about this drumkit.</info>









            <name>Snare Side Stick</name>






