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Working with MXML

Matheus Dias de Souza edited this page May 3, 2024 · 1 revision

Average parsing of XML documents such as MXML is provided within this project, deviating slightly from the XML specification, which is a bit large to read for a proper implementation.

The parser supports parsing only the UTF-8 encoding and XML version 1.0.

Here is an example:

use as3_parser::ns::*;

let text = r#"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
let compilation_unit = CompilationUnit::new(None, text.into());

let parser_options = ParserOptions {
    // Ignore whitespace chunks in a node list when at least one
    // element appears.
    ignore_xml_whitespace: true,

let document: Rc<Mxml> = ParserFacade(&compilation_unit, parser_options).parse_mxml();

The nodes used for ECMAScript for XML (E4X) and MXML are distinct. For example, MXML uses MxmlElement instead of XmlElement, and MxmlContent instead of XmlContent.

Qualified names

Every element stores a reference to a semantic namespace set (Rc<MxmlNamespace>) consisting of mappings from prefixes to URIs.

Resolve a plain XmlName node to a (uri, name) string group by invoking name.resolve_name(&namespace), where namespace is usually &element.namespace.

There are additional useful methods available within XmlName other than resolve_name().

Default namespace

The prefix for the default namespace is the empty string, but referred to by the MxmlNamespace::DEFAULT_NAMESPACE constant.

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