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Merge branch 'move-class-CurrentTimeUTC' into next #10

Merge branch 'move-class-CurrentTimeUTC' into next

Merge branch 'move-class-CurrentTimeUTC' into next #10

Workflow file for this run

# FIXME: Replace the Travis CI badges in the with GitHub Actions badges.
name: CI
# FIXME: Add cronjob
on: [push, pull_request]
# NOTICE: Also adapt the "matrix" section below when changing this.
fail-fast: false # Don't cancel execution for all Java versions if one fails.
# TODO: Also test on Debian stable as that's what fred targets.
# Unfortunately as of 2022-02-27 Debian is not available on GitHub Actions (yet?).
os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macos-latest]
# 8 is $FRED_MINIMUM_JAVA_VERSION currently.
# TODO: Code quality: As of 2022-01-03 using ["${{env.FRED_MINIMUM_JAVA_VERSION}}", ...]
# instead of [8, ...] does not work, see:
# Retry once the above bugtracker entry is fixed.
# Also apply this to the "include:" section.
# 9, 10 excluded because: Building fred fails there, probably because they're EOL.
# TODO: Trim the set of Java versions to respect GitHub's free service.
# TODO: Code quality: Test against 19-ea (or 19 once released) as soon as Gradle supports
# it. Gradle bugtracker entry:
# Notice: We do already test 19-ea with Ant, and exclude 19-ea on Windows, search for "19"
# below.
java-version: [8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
fred-branch: [next]
# Use Gradle instead of Ant as it supports using multiple CPU cores on the unit tests.
WoT-builder: [gradle]
upload-jar-to-freenet: [false]
# Notice: The below special cases will also define variables with the same values as the
# above defaults. This is necessary because otherwise GHA would set them to be empty.
# We will run most of our tests against fred branch next (= the development branch) to
# fulfill our purpose of integration testing.
# But we will hereby also test on branch master to ensure WoT works against the
# latest stable release as well because plugins can be updated without a new Freenet
# release.
# We will upload from this fred and Java version because they are the minimum to guarantee
# the resulting fred upload and JAR will work everywhere.
# We only test against master on a single Java version to keep the matrix small.
# Notice: If GHA did have a limit on the number of jobs being run concurrently we should
# reorder the matrix to ensure this one runs first as it is the slowest. However as of
# 2021-12-27 there is no limit:
- fred-branch: master
upload-jar-to-freenet: true
java-version: 8
# Kept at default:
os: ubuntu-latest
WoT-builder: gradle
- java-version: 19-ea
# Still use Ant on one Java version to ensure it keeps working.
# Don't use it on the above job because deployment happens there which is slow, just
# like Ant.
WoT-builder: ant
# Kept at default:
os: ubuntu-latest
fred-branch: next
upload-jar-to-freenet: false
# TODO: Bug: As of 2022-05-24 fred doesn't compile with Java >= 16 on Windows due to its
# Gradle version 4.10.3 not working there. Try again once fred uses a more recent one.
# TODO: Code quality: As of 2022-05-24 GHA wrongly parses arrays such as
# "java-version: [16, 17]" into their literal string value instead of expanding them.
# They'll likely add a different syntax for arrays here, use it then, see
- os: windows-latest
java-version: 16
- os: windows-latest
java-version: 17
- os: windows-latest
java-version: 18
- os: windows-latest
java-version: 19-ea
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
name: >-
fred: ${{matrix.fred-branch}}
builder: ${{matrix.WoT-builder}}
deploy: ${{matrix.upload-jar-to-freenet}}
- name: Install dependencies
shell: bash
run: |
if [ '${{runner.os}}' = 'macOS' ] ; then
brew install coreutils # For step "Compile and test WoT"
# The remaining dependencies will be downloaded using Gradle.
elif [ '${{runner.os}}' = 'Linux' ] ; then
# python3-pip is for
sudo apt-get --assume-yes install ant ant-optional junit4 libhamcrest-java python3-pip
# On Windows the dependencies will be downloaded using Gradle.
- name: Install Java
uses: actions/setup-java@v2
# Using 'zulu' distribution because as of 2022-05-24 the other distributions either don't
# provide many old Java versions or lack an early access build of the upcoming version.
# For some overview of distributions see
# TODO: Code quality: Also test against Oracle's JDK once it is available on GHA,
# upstream bugtracker issue:
distribution: 'zulu'
java-version: ${{}}
- name: Checkout Freenet git repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: freenet/fred
ref: ${{matrix.fred-branch}}
path: fred # Available via: "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/fred"
- name: Checkout WoT git repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
path: plugin-WebOfTrust # Available via: "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/plugin-WebOfTrust"
# FIXME: The Gradle script should init submodules automatically like the Ant one did.
# Remove the command for that from the once you implement it.
submodules: true
- name: Compile Freenet Git repository
shell: bash
run: |
# FIXME: $FRED_UPDATED is not populated by GitHub Actions yet
if [ "$FRED_UPDATED" = 1 ] ; then
pushd "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE"/fred &&
# TODO: freenet.jar won't contain class Version if we don't run the
# clean task in a separate execution of Gradle. I.e. this wouldn't work:
# $ gradle clean jar
# This is due to a bug in fred's Gradle script which could be fixed
# like this WoT commit did: 06c007204f40c712a398f0b58671f77fd9aeffd1
# EDIT: A better long-term fix for such issues would be to use a file ""
# instead of patching the "" source code, like Freetalk now does.
# See Freetalk commits 195cfd70aad92c592e0a591d9804712b1cb43a1e and
# 0d956c4bf0afbca7a8cb9ef855d0ea415f09bb9a
./gradlew clean &&
# "copyRuntimeLibs" copies the JAR *and* dependencies - which WoT also
# needs - to build/output/
./gradlew jar copyRuntimeLibs -x test &&
echo "No changes at fred, not recompiling."
- name: Start a Freenet node to prepare for JAR upload
# FIXME: Make it work and enable it.
##if: ${{matrix.upload-jar-to-freenet}}
if: false
shell: bash
run: |
echo "Starting a Freenet node already to connect to network far before deploy stage..." &&
cd "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE"/fred &&
"$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/plugin-WebOfTrust/" # FIXME: Rename the script
- name: Compile and test WoT
shell: bash
run: |
set -o errexit
cd "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/plugin-WebOfTrust"
# TODO: Put fred checksums and fred version info into separate "- name" steps so they
# can be viewed more easily on the web interface.
# TODO: Also print the checksums of other dependency JARs which Gradle has obtained from the
# Internet or the local system.
echo 'Checksums of fred JARs:' ; sha256sum ../fred/build/output/*
echo 'fred version:'
java -classpath '../fred/build/output/freenet.jar' 'freenet.node.Version'
if [ "${{matrix.WoT-builder}}" = "ant" ] ; then
ant clean && ant
elif [ "${{matrix.WoT-builder}}" = "gradle" ] ; then
# FIXME: Move Gradle download to separate step
rm -rf ./gradlew ./gradlew.bat ./gradle/
# Workaround for "$ gradle wrapper ..." failing to download the wrapper if the build
# file is incompatible with the system's Gradle version and thus fails to parse.
# TODO: Code quality: Remove, along with the mv which undos it, once the Gradle issue is
# fixed:
mv -f build.gradle build.gradle.github-actions-temp
echo "apply plugin: 'java'" > build.gradle
# Latest Gradle version known to definitely work with WoT.
# FIXME: Upgrade it and fix the Gradle script to work with the most recent one.
# FIXME: Once the latest Gradle works apply these Freetalk commits:
# fba2d9723bef29f4d9f984d74a41b6c88b7a3887
# ef952a58d29aeea0928ab4597819a42811dc3943
# 81ae3f972f60abd95b2c8d29e22184b42518676d
# 77fc5a73bde615792dfd2886f9257382b4557640
# b0ba09c129e1469d6268434203783bb7c6024c8b
# 5aa85ed4532c20284fbb0bf4f532b3299f29716e
# 75093ebf5fbdb252a34a118d7857e442f96562a8
# 1caddf40a743477499df6013b3ec61ab89453d39
# 75c49a7fa3229bd142723b62f493b918e7486330
gradle wrapper --gradle-version 4.10.3
mv -f build.gradle.github-actions-temp build.gradle
if [ "${{runner.os}}" != 'Linux' ] ; then
# We can't obtain the dependencies from /usr/share so download them instead.
./gradlew --version
# Show stdout/stderr so random seeds of failed tests can be obtained by developers to
# reproduce failed test runs. Also prevents the 10 minute build timeout.
# FIXME: The 10 minute timeout was a Travis CI thing. Does GHA have one?
WOT__SHOW_GRADLE_TEST_OUTPUT=1 ./gradlew clean test jar
else false ; fi
# To test the Ant and Gradle builders against each other uncomment the following.
# FIXME: Do this because this script has been converted from Travis CI to GitHub Actions.
# FIXME: Make sure the scripts use the Gradle wrapper so the Gradle version matches.
## - tools/compare-gradle-jars-with-ant-jars
## - tools/compare-gradle-tests-with-ant-tests
- name: Upload WoT JAR to Freenet
# TODO: Code quality: This does not use GitHub Actions' deployment API but rather is hereby
# declared as a plain step which runs a script. Consider if using the deployment API instead
# yields any benefit. See:
# FIXME: Make it work and enable it.
## if: ${{matrix.upload-jar-to-freenet}}
if: false
shell: bash
run: ./
# FIXME: Convert the below caching code from its Travis CI syntax to the GitHub Actions syntax.
# See
## before_cache:
## - rm -f $HOME/.gradle/caches/modules-2/modules-2.lock
## - rm -f $HOME/.gradle/caches/jars-2/jars-2.lock
## - rm -fr $HOME/.gradle/caches/*/plugin-resolution/
## cache:
## apt: true
## directories:
## - $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/../fred/
## - $HOME/.m2
## - $HOME/.gradle/caches/
## - $HOME/.gradle/wrapper/