webite for your discord bot v2
All you need to change are a few things:
1- Anything written NameBot Write the name of your bot
3- Add your bot image
2- Change line 9 href="https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/520505184120471572/f06f6005f7c5f3a2d4dfb5f9be6c08ba.png?size=1024" to the path of your bot image
3- Change line 37 href="" to your link bot
4- Change line 28 href="" to your discord support server
5- Change line 50/58/66/74 src="/cmd1.png" to the path picture command from the bot
6- Change line 93/101/109/117 /NameCommand to your command name
7- Change line 97//105/113/121 To use, type: !command2 [user] to your command description
If you need anything, you can contact me through Discord: ix.7